Dear Flora, After 25 years in one state, we have now moved to another. This is all according to the Divine plan as my soul has been craving to practice my light worker journey. Now that I have settled in, I am all of a sudden feeling lost and stuck. I know I need to arm myself with knowledge so I can teach and provide healing to all those who need it, but why am I suddenly feeling that I am not moving forward? Yours, Shonna
Shonna, I read and re-read your inquiry, several times. Each time, slowing my energies, turning down the volume of the outer world, focusing my listening inward, waiting—breathing—waiting. In that silence, these words whispered their way into my awareness, “To everything, there is a season.” As I see these words appear on the computer screen before me, I am aware, they could be perceived as utterly insignificant when, in reality, the opposite is true. These words are your medicine, now, your mantra.
You moved, after living 25 years “in one state,” and you have now “moved to another” state. Listen to your own words, Shonna, they are potent! You are in a season of adjustment and assimilation, of unwinding and opening, of re-defining and re-constellating.
You said, “Now that I have settled in, I am all of a sudden, feeling lost and stuck.” With all the movement you’ve been experiencing, both inner and outer, a pause is essential. If you are willing, surrender to this season, and place your utmost trust in its perfection. I know very well how difficult this assignment can be when you imagined things heading in a very different direction than where your life has actually delivered you. You may feel stuck, but that is not what is happening. You are pausing, surrendering, listening, trusting. What an important time in your life this is! There is something in this season of stillness for you to discover, and it will be essential for your new life—for the new season that will follow.
You asked, “Why am I suddenly feeling that I am not moving forward?” Consider reframing your prospect. Instead of seeing yourself as “not moving forward,” try seeing yourself as “yielding”—yielding to the call of your inner wisdom. You said yourself, “This is all according to the Divine plan” and that “your soul has been craving to practice your light worker journey.” This IS your light worker journey, Shonna, and you ARE practicing—with yourself—and there is no more appropriate person for you to be practicing with.
You know you need to “arm yourself with knowledge so you can teach and provide healing,” but what you may not have been aware of is that it is YOU who is in greatest need of healing. Begin with yourself, Shonna. Bring all you know directly to yourself. Provide healing to yourself, and do so with every ounce of your heart and soul. When the season is upon you, you will know when it is time to bring the same to others. Now, it is YOU who awaits your healing energies.
In support of your self-healing efforts, open to the blessed Self-Heal flower essence which serves as in inner-strengthener, and assists in drawing up, from deep within, ones own healing efforts on whatever levels are necessary, including physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and/or psychologically.
In support of your intentions to hone your deep inner listening skills, call upon the exquisite Star Tulip flower essence. This essence will ease your ability to practice sensitive, receptive awareness of your own innermost being.
If you are drawn to the idea of feeling a deeper sense of support from the angelic realm, receive the beautiful flower essence of Angelica along with the Self-Heal and Star-Tulip essences. Angelica essence facilitates a sense of protection, guidance, love, and support from the angelic realm.
To everything, there is a season. May beacons of light guide you, Shonna, during your season of healing!