I was born on October 13, 1946. My chart describes my history pretty well. Today the New Moon is on my south node. Last month the eclipse was on my natal Mars and progressed Moon squaring Pluto and Saturn. Saturn has been transiting all of my personal planets and is heading for a Venus conjunction opposing my natal Moon. I seem to get selectively aphasic about nouns…and am experiencing (I hesitate to say it) telepathy. I’m feeling strange…like stepping off a cliff, dreams of water coming through the walls and even an actual flooding of water through my front door on my birthday when it rained 12 inches in a few hours. I don’t know what to do with myself. I have done a lot of things in my life, art, counseling and parenting. I’m in a good, solid relationship. Still, I feel strongly and urgently unfinished. “I don’t know” is my my current motto. Two Tibetan sand paintings gone, one yet to make. (KH)
Wandering in the land of Neptune is surely a time to adopt a motto of “I don’t know” and maybe “I am at ease not knowing trusting that knowing will emerge easily and gracefully at just the right time”. Tibetan sand paintings sound just perfect for this Neptune time. Since transiting Neptune moved into Pisces in 2011, it has begun a 4 to 5 year movement across the angles of your chart – first squaring your Midheaven and your IC, now conjuncting your Descendant and opposing your Ascendant. In a serious way, you are strange to yourself now as you come to know your ever more soulful self. Saturn has been a constant companion over these recent few years as well preparing the soil for this developing awareness you are experiencing as telepathy at the moment, which is flooding your being. Water is a Neptune metaphor as it cleanses, flows, softens; remaking the landscape. Yes, this is and can be unsettling, a bit scary, confusing and much more depending on what lies in your feelings/subconscious/past and soul. This is a time to surrender, to be strange, to “not know”, to be open, to say “yes” when it feels guided and “no” when it doesn’t or is just obligation calling. It is a time for vision quests, poetry, painting, music and nature. Let Saturn keep you steady and present in your good life with your partner knowing the value of your work and life while Neptune reshapes you internally to prepare you for the renewal that is dawning as transiting Uranus begins to oppose your Sun in 2015 leading to new work as your progressed MC conjuncts your natal Pluto in 3 years, your progressed Sun moves into Capricorn and you reach a progressed New Moon. Urgency is the voice ofyour Mercury/Mars/Jupiter squaring your Saturn/Pluto which from birth you have channeled/lived a particular way, a way that Neptune is now dissipating to make way for the renewal you will soon enter.
I am a Cancer/Gemini cusp baby born June 22, 1966. I have had a diverse and multifaceted career doing jobs as varied as being a bus driver while working as a choreographer. I’ve worked as as free lance dancer, a part-time gardener, an art tutor, a healer, a counselor, and a spiritual development teacher. At the moment I am working as a nurse in a small country town. I have enjoyed the security of being paid regularly and well, but am not feeling connected with this career choice as I thought I might. I am thinking of once again changing tack. Ideally, I would like to bring all of my abilities to the one place and perhaps work more with people’s potential rather than their illnesses. I especially like working with young children. What do you suggest? The other component of my life that seems to have suffered from lack of growth is my relationships. I seem to find them incredibly difficult and often in the past have sabotaged them completely to the point that my former partners will not continue any form of relationship with me at all. I have been told I am high maintenance and very demanding. I have also in the past had a very volatile temper that has caused me much shame, grief and regret. As a consequence, I am now very scared of initiating any relationship and often only enter them after being pursued; the pursuer has usually been much younger than me which is incredibly flattering yet that is also a concern for me. What is it that I could change and/or is completely missing in my awareness here? I would like to share my life with someone, but am starting to feel like my sexuality and maybe my gender preferences are completely in congruent with my ability in this department. Thank you so much for your wisdom. (VK)
Gemini’s are notoriously mercurial, changeable, easily bored, moving on from one thing or one person to another and, yes, you are a Gemini Sun, a Gemini Ascendant, and a Gemini Mars which could be a part of the natural need for change, stimulation and growth in your inherent nature. However, I would look to your natal Mars for the more causal reason that you have been so restless in your career and so unsatisfied in your personal relationships – natal Mars in the 12th house which is a difficult position until you truly understand and channel its higher motives and purpose; natal Mars in a tight square to the mid-60’s Uranus/Pluto conjunction, and your natal Mars quincunx your Neptune. Your Mars has no traditional, positive or harmonious aspects. Despite your challenging Mars, you have been busy throughout your life working, creating, sustaining yourself successfully, growing and offering your talents to others which is an achievement to be proud of. Despite being alone in your life at this moment, you have had relationships and you have become aware that your temper is a problem, even feeling remorse about your past behavior. Count these realities as a very positive use and development of your Mars. Your natal Mars does rule your Midheaven which makes it your career ruler and its explosive, unconscious expression has sunk your previous relationships making your Mars the key to your future success and happiness. Jupiter recently conjuncted your natal Mars, transiting Saturn has just begun to quincunx your Mars which will not be complete until August of 2014, Uranus will begin to sextile your Mars in the spring and transiting Pluto will begin a quincunx to it in 2015. All of these transits point to an ongoing complexity in your career feelings and choices. I would suggest that you take your time feeling your way forward before you make a change in order to be surer that this is the right change at the right time for you. In 2015 transiting Uranus will conjunct your Midheaven which will be the most opportune time to initiate not only a more stimulating and satisfying career but, more importantly, one that is true to your soul/life purpose which you have been practicing for and preparing for all your life Is your Leo Moon high maintenance and demanding along with your intense Mars? Absolutely! Remember that the Moon is our subconscious which is not fully accessible to our conscious mind so, yes, the Leo Moon is proud, sure of itself, expects fealty and adoration but its shadow is the fear of never receiving that warm, generous, loyal embrace of true love. And, it is your Leo Moon that is your creative, vibrant gift in your work and life. Like your Mars, your Moon is a bit of a wild card in your chart with no traditional aspects other than a 10 degree square to your Neptune meaning that you are responsible for developing a conscious relationship with your Moon feelings and your Mars desires and motives if you are going to be fulfilled in your life. Mars as attraction and sexuality could surely be bi-sexual or homosexual with its natal square to Uranus/Pluto though it may not be either; it may be more that you have been wounded and wounding in the relationship arena leaving you scared and well defended. Currently, with transiting Uranus and Pluto still aspecting your natal Jupiter which rules your house of partnership, I would advise you to seek a therapist for now which is a responsible and healing way of using this time rather than enter into a relationship which will solidify your concerns. Let 2014 be a time of healing and ever more conscious growth.