I was born July 7, 1957. I believe I have 5 planets placed in the 8th house…is this the reason why my life so far has been one challenge after the other? I left my last abusive (2nd marriage) September 5, 2012. He was a psychopath and I am still haunted by it. I have lost all worldly goods and am currently couch surfing though I co-owned a beautiful place with a magnificent garden I created overlooking a beautiful beach. I am having trouble moving on and figuring our what I would like to do, am very depressed, shocked, stunned and stuck. Please help me. Thank you. (MC)
Yes, you do have 5 of your natal planets in your 8th house, specifically, Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Mars, which does indicate the challenges you describe. However, you also were born with your natal Moon in Scorpio closely squaring Pluto and Saturn conjunct your Ascendant, also very significant in your current situation of being Saturn stuck and depressed. Your Moon rules your 8th house bringing you the Pluto losses of everything you built and treasured. I am sure your personal history described by that natal Moon/Pluto square is the basis for your abusive marriages and your recent psychopathic husband and this is also where healing is both possible and necessary. This year and next year transiting Saturn will be conjuncting your 12th house Moon squaring your 9th house Pluto asking you to seek a purpose that is not related to a new husband, money or things. I would surrender to your 9th house Pluto to seek work that is devoted to helping others, teaching, perhaps, working abroad and taking time for your own inner development. This choice will prepare you for your 2nd Saturn return in 2015/2016 when both your own successes financially (Saturn rules your 2nd house of earnings) and a new, healthy, well earned relationship will become possible as transiting Saturn conjuncts your Ascendant and trines your natal Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunction in your 8th house. Venus also rules your house of 3rd marriages bringing genuine love while Uranus suggests this will be a very different person and relationship and Saturn suggests this one will be strong and lasting. With your natal Jupiter conjunct your Midheaven and your 3 Leo planets (Uranus, Venus, Mars), you will again have a lovely life, home and creative joy. For now, Saturn is insisting on a deeper, more internal focus and and transiting Uranus will soon be squaring your natal Sun bringing change and excitement into your life though it would not be a stable time to meet someone nor would transiting Pluto’s coming opposition to your Sun be a healthy time to meet a partner.. This time is for you to heal, to build and prepare for the next and best chapter of your life.
I was born June 3, 1987. I have been coming to terms with the upheaval that I had last year – losing my apartment, work, friends, and coming back to a familial home that is so toxic it left me in a depression for much of the last year. But, I pushed through. I know I have Pluto in my 1st house in my solar return so I am going through a lot of changes and transformation though I am not sure how long this will last. I do know it can be a painful experience drudging up both recent and past childhood traumas in which I’ve been trying to manage the best I can since I cannot afford counseling. I’ve noticed a pattern in which my relationships are always very unequal and this is because I am financially dependent. I wish not to be yet currently I’m in a deep fog that seemed reach its peak last year when the eclipses were in Gemini/Sagittarius, one of these was only a few days before I lost all. A year later I am happy to have lost those things because none of it was genuinely making me happy. Now, free of those things, I can look elsewhere for happiness and coming home I can deal with deeply buried issues (Pluto) and release them. However, everything is still unclear so I don’t know where to look to find work or life direction. Though I am relatively young, I think it’s never too early to set out and do what I’m destined to do. I’ve been studying Astrology online and once I earn my own keep and have something to spare, I would like to take classes because I have so many questions and think I would learn better if I could take classes. I have noticed I have a grand fire trine in my progressed chart and a trine in my solar return as well but unfortunately I have no idea how those work. I had a solar return report given to me as a gift which made me laugh so much when I read that with my 5th house within degrees of my 7th house I might marry. Because of my former traumas, beatings, which can be explained by my Sun-Saturn opposition, I’ve never had a relationship. Instead I am hoping I will be able to find work in a creative field that I loved in my childhood which is writing. I do think that my natal north node in my 7th house shows a focus on intimate relationships and I’m confused as to how long this will affect me. It is very natural for me to be alone. I find myself going towards being reclusive instead of being with people. I want to find work I love and feel has a positive effect on others. I not sure how to reach my goal or even where to start. Where do I go from here? Thank you for any any guidance you can give me. (AT)
Wow, your understanding of yourself, your perception of your current situation and your command of Astrology is quite impressive for a young woman of 26.The upheaval and losses you experienced last year are clearly described by transiting Pluto opposing your 10th house Mars having earlier completed its opposition to your 10th house Mercury which is your chart ruler (Virgo rising). Transiting Pluto in your 4th house of home has brought you home to cleanse, heal and mature in order to be free to develop your career, find and succeed in meaningful work, your 10th house Mercury/Mars conjunction. Due to your natal Pluto placement in your 2nd house of earnings, you lost not only work but also your ability to afford your own apartment and the life you had built in that location. Note that transiting Jupiter is in your 10th house until July this year and can yield a promising job and beginning to a new, more fulfilling career. As a Gemini with a natural talent for words, ideas and stories; a Virgo Moon and Ascendant with a fine ability to hone your ideas and present them clearly and effectively; your natal Mercury in your career house suggesting the desire for and ability to become a writer/teacher/communicator; Gemini on your Midheaven angle; and your natal Sun in the 9th house with your Saturn/Uranus conjunction in the 3rd house, the 2 houses of communication; you are very well suited to becoming a writer. Not only are you at home now to heal but to heal in order to develop your own strength and center, to be at home within yourself which will allow you to move out into the world and succeed. Though your natal Sun opposition to both Saturn and Uranus does illuminate the traumas you mentioned, it also reveals your strength to push through, your desire to be self sufficient and free, and your capacity to achieve those goals and growth. Depression is indicated by both your Sun-Saturn and your Mars/Mercury opposition to Neptune requiring you to take your time to develop your core/center, to develop your spirit and purpose, to positively channel both Saturn and Neptune. Your north node will always be in your 7th house and your south node will always be in your 1st house so you are here to develop meaningful relationships with others, with community, and ultimately with a partner. However, there is no need to be concerned with your north node until you have achieved enough of the independence, self awareness and confidence to support your 1st house south node which will naturally open the door to a healthy, soulful 7th house partner later in your life. For now, I would focus on Jupiter to seek a job beginning your journey to purpose, utilize transiting Saturn’s movement into your 3rd house to write whether that is your paid job or not, and continue the healing and studying that you have wisely chosen to do. As your progressed Sun conjuncts your natal Mars this year, you will feel more motivated and will accomplish more of your goals. In 3 years your progressed Venus will conjunct your Midheaven offering the more more creative career you seek and your Saturn return in a few years will solidify all the considerable effort you are making now. Keep studying!