I have a troubled family life. I do not know whether it is still there or nor. All I want to know is if my marital condition will get better so that I, my husband and my son will stay together happily? I married in 2006. My problems started to increase since 2012 after I conceived and now for 12 months my husband and I are staying apart. For the last 3 months he never tried to contact me nor did I try to contact him. I am just hoping that someday he will realize his responsibility toward his family and things will get better.I have found that I am going through some Uranus transit while my husband is going through a Pluto transit to his Moon. He has become very irrational since 2012. I am too new to Astrology to understand which transit will be more powerful. Due to my husband’s work, my parents came to care for me during my difficult pregnancy and afterwards. My husband was emotionally uninvolved and not appropriate with my parents. Finally, in anger, I left his house in October 2013. His mother is now with him. She is a very dominating lady who always wanted to control him and our lives.My husband’s childhood was an unhappy one, his father committed suicide in 2002, and his mother is dependent on him. She constantly makes him feel guilty about her. Can you tell me if my wait for this outcome will end or if my relationship is over?It is very important for me to know how to proceed since I am a PhD student and am unable to concentrate in my research due to all of this distress. Do you see any hope for a job in the near future? Or, should I leave my PhD program and try for a job? My birthday is August 24, 1981 and my husband’s birthday is November 29, 1977. With regards. (SD)
Ouch, both you and your husband are struggling with difficult aspects which reflect the very real difficulties you describe in your life now. I appreciate your seeking to understand the transits you and your husband are experiencing as a more informative lens to see what is unfolding and what is possible. It’s not that either your Uranus transit or your husband’s Pluto transit is more powerful, it’s more that each of you is reacting to your own internal struggles. When your husband was away, when your parents came to your marital home to care for you, when you had a difficult pregnancy, when your husband was very disappointing and when you left your husband’s home out of anger, you did have transiting Jupiter opposing your Venus/Saturn/Jupiter. Your Venus marriage, your Saturn foundation and finances (Saturn rules your 2nd house of finances) and your Jupiter optimism about your life, plans, and future weredisrupted by your husband’s absence, his inability to support you emotionally during your pregnancy, his distance with your baby and parents, his lack of financial support and his mother’s upsetting presence and demands. This is not at all what you expected or wanted but here you are living a changed and confusing life, a Uranus upending what you expected. I would not give up hope for your marriage quite yet, not while transiting Neptune is squaring your Ascendant/Descendant angle (the Descendant rules your marriage) though I fully understand your disappointment, disillusionment and confusion. Yet, I do think you should go on with your life not counting on your husband to return. The outcome is unknowable for now. Your natal Sun in your 9th house of higher education indicates that your education is very important to you and for your life and career. If you can, I would finish it and, hopefully, over the next year. In the fall of 2015 into the spring of 2016, you will have transiting Jupiter conjunct your Midheaven which is an excellent time to find an ideal job for you. Yes, your husband does have transiting Pluto and Uranus aspecting his Cancer Moon which is consuming, irrational and extremely painful for him. I suspect your pregnancy, the attendant difficulties with the pregnancy and his becoming a father did trigger his memories of his father’s suicide, his guilt over his mother and her losses (8th house Moon squaring Pluto, Scorpio rising and Saturn conjunct the Midheaven) and his fear that he cannot be the father he would wish to be.Your husband does have a chart showing the unhappiness and tragedy in his childhood/his life. And, yes, his mother is domineering, difficult and destructive (natal Moon square Pluto quincunx Neptune) though I think she does want him to be successful, his natal Jupiter conjunct the Moon, and his own man, his natal Moon trine Uranus, and she does love him, his natal Moon trine his Venus. All of this unhappiness was inevitable when your husband was about to become a father;the real question is whether he will develop the awareness and strength to create the right, healthy boundaries to have his mother and his wife in his life. There is simply no way to know where your husband will be when his Pluto/Moon transit is complete which will not be until 2016. If you can, I would simply proceed with your own life; if you can’t, then you will need to release the marriage and see if you can collect child support from him. There is much to say about your chart comparison but, most importantly, know that neither of you fully received what you needed from the other. I hope this helps at a truly painful and confusing time.
I was born August 8, 1982. I am a 31 year old, single female and I feel as thoughI am currently on the edge of huge changes in my life in regards to career, family, and love. It’s as though everything I have been doing up until now was for this period of my life that is about to unfold. I am just wrapping up my education and about to move back to the states in the next couple of months. I will be searching for a job and a new place to live as soon as I am back. Honestly, there are so many choices to make in the next several months that it is a bit overwhelming. While I am incredibly excited for these new experiences that are to come, I am also anxious about all of the unknown in front of me. I was hoping you could tell methe areas in my life that I can focus on to make the best out of the Jupiter transit that has just started. My biggest concerns currently are where to live on this wonderful earth and what is the best plan of action I can take when it comes to finding a job that will allow me to thrive and grow. What are the things that I can do to make sure I am making the most out of what the universe is providing me? Thank you for sharing your wisdom with all of us. I greatly appreciate it and know that many others do as well. Many thanks. (MM)
Yippee, transiting Jupiter on your Midheaven, the career angle, as you complete your education and search for your new job, is the ideal time to find the job that will begin and develop your career for many years to come.Remember that transiting Jupiter will remain in your 10th house of career for a full year making this 12 month period the time to focus on finding the right job, moving where you need to for that job and considering the job/career trajectory more than the salary. Jupiter is potential and possibility which we must activate through a positive attitude/approach, a seeking for what we truly want/feels right for us and a willingness to say yes to what is offered in this time. Clearly, your attitude and approach are very positive and conscious; you are ready and excited to begin your search; and sound ready to say yes to activate your future. I see you making the right choices to welcome Jupiter’s gifts, to find the best possibility for you. As transiting Saturn, Jupiter’s partner, has entered your 2nd house of talents and finances, it is wise to choose the right job (Jupiter’s offering) rather than the best salary (Saturn in the 2nd is asking you to concentrate on building for your future earning potential and success not for the biggest salary today).Transiting Uranus is also guiding this time in your life as it opposes your natal Saturn, the ruler of your 4th house of home, family and foundation. Feeling “on the edge of huge changes”, facing “so many choices”, and that “it’s a bit overwhelming” are all appropriate and natural reactions to the magnitude of this time of beginning, change and progress in your life. This is just what Uranus feels like. Between your Jupiter opportunities and your Uranus knowing that your life has been a preparation for this moment of unfolding, you are surely standing on a very positive threshold to your future.With transiting Uranus opposing your 4th house ruler, I doubt you will be moving back to the states or that you will be living where you grew up. It is important to cast a wide net as you begin your job search being willing to go to the “right job” which is more likely to be out of the states for now which also suits your North Node of the Moon in the 9th house of international travel and moves. For now, the big job and move are your priority. Next year when transiting Uranus conjuncts your Descendant which is the marriage angle, it will be time to meet someone special or commit to a relationship you may have now or one that may begin soon. Born with bothSaturn and Pluto rising andVenus conjunct your Midheaven, you are blessed with the responsibility, personality, and power to be as successful as you wish to be, know you will be in all areas of your life.