I was born January 18, 1950, Libra rising with my Sun and Moon in Capricorn. My question is: I feel lost. After a car accident on 9/10/10, I had to close my private practice as an addiction therapist (substance abuse and mental health). I am also holistic and spiritually inclined and implemented these practices within my business. I had worked in this field since 1997 in numerous programs prior to owning my own business. Presently I am much better and improved from the issues from the car accident. Six months ago I rented a space to begin a new practice and focus on the same work I was doing before the accident. All the effort I have invested into starting my business has not been successful. I felt motivated and inspired spiritually to begin this practice yet at this juncture I am unsure what to do. I am renting the space and cannot get out of the lease. Can you provide me with some guidance and help around this issue I am presented with at this time? (DG)
Despite the slow start to your new practice, it is clear from your 10th house Pluto that you are in the right business as a trans-formative therapist. As transiting Jupiter conjuncts your Midheaven in July for the 1st time in 12 years, your business should begin to pick up and build over the following 12 months. July will also be the time when transiting Mars moves across your Ascendant after this long, 6 month period of transiting Mars in Libra – offering a new momentum, motivation and I think a new, deepened approach to your work. This accident changed you even more deeply than you realize, opening a new chapter in your understanding, compassion and testing/clarifying your beliefs. In 2010, your accident occurred as transiting Pluto opposed your natal Uranus and transiting Saturn conjuncted your natal Mars linking the 6th house of health, the 12th house of consciousness and the 9th house of wisdom. This was a physical accident with physical consequences which have taken time to heal yet it was also an initiation in your life, work and awareness. Born with Venus, your chart ruler, in retrograde motion, it is only now that your progressed Venus has returned to the degree it occupied at your birth – it is time to fully trust and lead with your love, joy and wisdom which will bring clients to your practice. Your income will build as transiting Saturn spends the next few years in your 2nd house of income; your own health and healing will benefit as much from your work as will your clients; and, you will develop ever more innovative techniques and approaches as transiting Uranus continues to move through your house of health and work. In a few years when transiting Pluto reaches your natal Moon/Mercury/Sun conjunction, you will be teaching and writing about your work and your life. As difficult as these last years have been, this is your Venus chapter when you will be happier and more successful than you have ever been. Open your work as you have been opened.
I have felt bogged down the last number of years, especially in the last 4-5 years following a fire and a move to a place I have not found to be conducive to any sort of creative life. Plus, I live under a neighbor who is excessively noisy. Each month seems like another financial hurdle with no increase of income. I don’t have the money to move; I have no job; and I have no momentum now. I’ve lost energy to do very much except work on writing which is currently unpaid. Any light at the end of the tunnel? Any insights from the stars? My birthday is July 6, 1954. I hope my situation is interesting enough for an answer. Best to you. (AR)
Bogged down might be an understatement when I look at the last decade in your life which includes transiting Neptune opposing your natal Venus/Pluto conjunction; transiting Uranus opposing your Moon and squaring your Mars; transiting Pluto squaring your Moon and conjuncting your Mars; and your 2nd Saturn return. In addition to these momentous transits which would surely upend your previous life, your progressed Venus conjuncted your natal Neptune and squared your natal Uranus over the last 4-5 years which has been a time of personal creativity yet also a time of financial difficulty as well as personal unhappiness and confusion. It is not surprising though surely unpleasant that you might have an irritating neighbor with Saturn transiting your 3rd house of neighbors. Transiting Uranus and Pluto are opposing your natal Sun/Mercury conjunction this year and 2015 making this a time of needed transformation. It would be inaccurate to tell you that Uranus and Pluto are or will be easy, however, it is also true to say that you are truly ready for your life to change, improve and become freer. First, it is important to note that all this challenging and difficult experience does have a purpose, will end and does offer you a new, more authentic self expression and life. The stars do shed light on your creative life and work as your recent Jupiter return, Jupiter ruling your 5th house of creativity, indicates that you have developed a creative idea and/or written something in the last few months that could open an important door to success for your work. Mercury rules your 2nd house of income while the Sun rules your chart and your Venus which describes your artistic career and Pluto which governs your home; therefore, this year is the beginning of your life, your work and your career starting to pay off/lift off. It may be the spring/summer of 2015 before you are able to move which may be hard to hear yet as finances begin to improve over the next few months, it would be best to concentrate on your work, and on a job which could develop in July. Then, as you build new work and an easier financial life, you will feel more momentum building for a move in 2015.