I have a “grand plan” for 2010 which is to begin a project that is dear to my heart. In 2005 my 19 year old son lost his life in a drowning accident. Though my grief path is arduous, as time has passed I have found strength to cope as positively as I can. I plan to write a book, not just the standard memoir, but a bereavement book that will help parents of lost teens, their siblings and peers (in particular, these groups seem to be rather unsupported, compared to the resources available to grieving parents). I am finding it very difficult to start writing…I have amassed a great deal of research material, have written some short articles and poems, but I need a kick start to commit the writing to paper. Of course, it is still very painful to visit my loss, but I also have a need to share what has happened to enable me to move further along this road. I wonder if there is anything in the charts that points towards my achieving my aim. Any input would be gratefully received. My date of birth is 11/10/55; my son’s birthday is 9/11/85. He passed to spirit on July 28, 2005.
When I analyzed the charts for you and your son, I found that you both had Saturn at 23 degrees of Scorpio, surely a shared karma and mission that linked you in life and death. A detailed study of your charts revealed many, strong connections between your two charts and clearly described your son’s death as an accident. As a Scorpio Sun with Saturn in Scorpio conjunct your Sun and both of these planets squaring your natal Pluto and Jupiter in Leo, your destiny was going to include some very painful experiences in this life, some tragedy. Facing, feeling and learning to live with this terrible loss has been a process you have the capacity to do and you are. Your book is the next stage of your healing and your purpose. When your son passed away, transiting Pluto was closing in on its square to your 12th house Moon describing the painful path you have trod. This year as transiting Saturn completes its conjunction to your Moon you will be ready to commit to the writing process. Transiting Uranus will begin to oppose your Moon in March, an aspect that will continue into early 2011. Uranus will be your liberator, your impulse to move beyond all reluctance and resistance knowing you are now ready and you are. In addition to these powerful aspects to your Moon, your feelings, your memories and your intuitive, feminine wisdom, your solar arc Mercury is beginning to square your Moon making this the time to put pen to paper. You are ready, whether you begin this spring or in the fall, this is your year to put the “grand plan” into motion. Transiting Pluto is in your 3rd house of writing sextiling your natal Mercury which rules your 9th house of publishing, another indicator that your instincts and plan are exactly what you are being called to contribute. Remember that you were born with both Pluto and Uranus in your 10th house of career, accomplishment and contribution offering you a role in this life which can impact many if your efforts are your unique, deeply felt truths which this book will be. Your book will be important and healing for many.
I’m in a real crisis. Everything mooncircles mentioned in the description of the Cancer/Capricorn polarity and more hits the nail on the head for my life. I’m grieving about most everything in life and everything seems to be falling apart faster than I can scurry around gathering up the broken pieces. I was born on 6/22/59. My Dad passed when I was 3 and my mother is a piece of work…things have not really improved much since then. Now I am 50, had to sell my home, give away or find temporary homes for my animals, my small and always struggling real estate business appears to be on its last legs and I don’t whether to stay in the area where I live or, as you point out, to move to far flung areas in a motor home. Always, but this year more than ever, I have indeed come to grips with the potential truth that little in life has gone my way. As age begins to set in I’m not sure how I can make it from here and don’t feel prepared on any level for what’s to come. My partner is a Leo (8/1767) and we are both in turmoil. I picked up a deck of Tarot cards recently and even they aren’t telling me much. What in the world are we to do?
In this economy, this political climate and this pre 2012 time of change, I hear from so many people that are in real crisis as they watch the lives they have known dissolve in front of their eyes. It is very painful and, yes, it does evoke the core of all that has not worked out in our lives, all that has been lost and all that we have suffered. While there is no trivial, easy answer, there is a clear answer. Give it all up, leave the area where you live, go somewhere you feel called to go and start over doing exactly what you have always wanted to do. As terrifying as this idea is, the life you have been living is over. A new one is waiting to be created. The Sun in your chart is 0 degrees of Cancer opposite a 4 degree Saturn in Capricorn. No wonder you resonated with mooncircles vivid vision of the Cancer/Capricorn polarity during the recent lunar eclipse. You are living it. Beginning in 2008, continuing through this year and completing next year, transiting Pluto has been opposing your natal Sun and is now beginning to conjunct your natal Saturn. Your Sun identity has been stripped from you, your Saturn structure is crumbling and neither of these previous realities can or should be rebuilt. It is time for something new, something less limiting; something you can build that does go your way. When your Sun solar arced to oppose your natal Saturn at the age of 4, you had lost your Dad and seen how dismal your reality was. You learned to survive, to cope (all good and necessary Saturn strategies) to become what you should and could be in that environment but it was less than you are. What Pluto has stripped away can be recreated in a very different way by a very different person. It is time to trust your Leo rising, your Mars/Uranus/Venus conjunction in Leo conjunct your ascendant and follow your passions, liberate yourself from a life that has been too much of a struggle. Though transiting Saturn in Libra is finalizing the end of the life you had built, it is also the determination, the strategy and the strength to begin again. Transiting Uranus is moving into your 9th house of long distance moves and travel telling you it is time to go. As transiting Uranus begins its square to your Sun this spring, you will be able to liberate yourself from your current life and from your past. This whole transition will take at least 6 months and more likely 2 years but you and your partner can go together, choose where you want to make a fresh start and begin again simply knowing this freedom will lead you to the future you actually want.