This question is in regards to my daughter born July 21, 1989 and my grandson born October 2, 2010 who need my support. My daughter has had health issues from the time she was born and rather than her health improving, she is facing more complications. My question is how can I best support her and my grandson through this time and how can she best help herself and in the process my grandson. My birthday is January 10, 1971. I thank you in advance for answering my question. (AA)
Sadly, it is not surprising that your daughter has always had health problems due to her natal Sun and Mercury in her 6th house of health. Sixth house planets do indicate a focus on health though not necessarily health problems unless, as is true for your daughter, those planets form difficult aspects (Sun conjunct Mercury quincunx natal Moon, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune). The quincunx is the most noteworthy aspect in health issues thus it is the combination of 6th house planets making these powerful quincunxes that describe your daughter’s lifelong health concerns. Currently, transiting Uranus, Pluto and Neptune either are or have recently been setting off these natal health aspects bringing her health to the fore again.
As your daughter is a Cancer, she does need her mother to be nurturing, supportive, concerned for her and her son, to be her Mom. Your grandson who is a Libra with a Taurus Moon needs to feel loved, safe, secure and not exposed to too much stress. Your ability to calm your daughter will be calming for your grandson as well as you stepping in to take care of him when your daughter is most in need of rest or treatment. Your Capricorn Sun and Cancer Moon perfectly suit you to be both responsible and caring; however, do be careful not to express your own worries to your daughter who needs your positive outlook.
Transiting Saturn is moving into your 5th house of children as your daughter faces complications and needs extra support. In addition, transiting Jupiter is conjuncting your natal Moon and transiting Neptune is trining your natal Moon as your daughter and your grandson become your current emotional and personal focus. Your grandson was born as Jupiter transited your daughter’s 5th house blessing her life; now Jupiter is moving on into her 6th house shifting her focus to healing herself. I wonder if her pregnancy was stressful for her health leading to the need for this time to recover and rebuild. Her Mercury in her 6th house does suggest a tendency to worry, think too much, over stress about life, a pattern which would benefit greatly from meditation and/or yoga. Relaxation, visualization, homeopathy, spiritual guidance and support would all support your daughter’s Moon in Pisces as she responsibly chooses the best medical treatments available for her. Your grandson was born with Neptune closely conjunct his Ascendant clearly indicating how sensitive he is which magnifies how important a calm, loving, reassuring environment is for him even and especially in this challenging period. Thankfully, you are able to provide what is most needed for both of your loved ones.
I stumbled across Mooncircles while searching for the moon sign for the past couple of days. I have felt myself sinking into a place that doesn’t feel like ME or maybe it does, thought maybe my feelings could be attributed to the current moon sign. The big picture for me is that I am nearing my 50th birthday, on my second marriage to a man who has never had children, though he did want them, with three grown sons from my first marriage. My husband gets along well with all of my sons but my second son has always had issues from a childhood diagnosis of ADD, later ODD and now, at nearly, age 30 he has been told he’s anti-social with drug and legal troubles nearly his entire adult life. He and his most recent girlfriend had a baby (a girl born last June the day before Father’s Day) who has been taken away from them due to my son’s abusive actions. My husband and I have this little girl and may have her permanently, don’t know yet. My son is a double Capricorn born January 15, 1984; his daughter was born June 16, 2012 right at his Saturn return. I feel like something significant is stirring in my life though its beginnings are around my son. This is affecting my life right now at 50. I am not sure what I am feeling, not sure what if anything you can offer me, but just feel like reaching out to someone who won’t judge my feelings and who might understand something about me beyond the physical realm. My birthday is 11/29/63 while my husband is 3/23/66. Thanks for any input. (CP)
Hello to Saturn, which is completing its conjunction to your Ascendant this month concentrating your life on this responsibility that has entered your life. This is a serious choice about your life, your future and at a later age after raising your 3 sons in the years since Saturn last conjuncted your Ascendant. One Saturn cycle ago you became a Mom; now you are again facing a decision to raise your granddaughter. I do think your sense of feeling not quite like yourself is more likely related to transiting Neptune approaching a square to your natal Sun in 2014 which you would surely be feeling by now.
When you mention wanting to understand yourself “beyond the physical realm” you are sensing a growing sensitivity, intuition, religious or spiritual longing and wondering what this new phase of your life means. What are you called to become after 50?! First, your Saturn question is what is most responsible and right for you to do regarding your son and granddaughter; secondly, your Neptune question is about your future purpose in addition to family? Know that this deeper concern and transition will evolve over the next 3 or so years and doesn’t need to be figured out mentally or practically, just allowed to unfold.
The 9th house is the arena of grandchildren which is exactly where transiting Jupiter is now suggesting that you will gain custody of your granddaughter. This little lady has a Taurus Moon as do you, emotionally comforting and connected for you both. Her Gemini Sun opposes your Mercury, Mars and Venus which will feel very loving, motivating and communicative. I think she is part of your Neptune, spiritual unfolding, a piece of your calling with her natal Neptune squaring your Sun for life even though your own transit will last only a few years. Her Mercury conjuncts your North Node of the Moon while your Sun conjuncts her North Node of the Moon which means you two are meant to enhance and improve each other’s lives. Mutual Venus aspects indicate a real love match between you two. Perhaps, this is the child your husband is meant to raise with you.
Though you did not provide your son’s birth time or location, I can see a lot of his struggles even without the house positions or precise Moon degree; your son who is indeed at a significant turning point in his life as transiting Saturn approaches his natal Saturn this fall. His natal Mars/Pluto sits right on your Ascendant while his Saturn squares your Saturn revealing how tough his struggles have been for you. Your son will have to face his own Saturn crisis, make his own decisions but, thankfully, you and your husband can be there for your granddaughter. Hope this helps.