I was born on March 20, 1975 on the cusp of Pisces and Aries. I wish I was an Aries though my rising sign is Aries. I’ve been through a lot of drama all of my life and the last few years have been the worst. I have no luck in pretty much any area of life. All the aspects of my life are suffering and it’s been like that for a long time. I’ve been jumping from carrier to carrier for the last 15 years. One day I want to do one thing and the next day it will be something else. I like business and wish to be self-employed one day. Just a few minutes ago on Saturday 5/25 at 12:16 PM in Lewisville, TX, I registered a domain name for my future business. Do you think it will be successful? Will I find love? I’ve got some bad planets in the 7th house and no planets in the 5th house. Can you take a look at my horoscope and tell me if anything positive is coming my way? Thank you so much for your time. (EE)
Drama, suffering, luck…yes, you do have Jupiter rising and Pluto conjunct your Descendant, a coupling of planets that will and clearly have dominated your experience. This is not a negative aspect but it is an intense, demanding and dominant one, particularly, when you have a Pisces Sun and a Gemini Moon neither of which are as strong willed as Pluto. Your luck will change, your drama will ease and your suffering will diminish when you learn how to harness your Jupiter/Pluto opposition which does sit right on your Ascendant/Descendant angle dictating your relationship with yourself, everyone else and your world.
Normally, Jupiter, the planet of fortune, opportunity, luck and optimism conjunct your Sun and your Ascendant would produce a positive, outgoing, cheerful and confident person but you are a Pisces who does have both your Sun and Jupiter in your 12th house and Pluto on your Descendant demanding that you rise up to challenge both yourself and your life. It is much easier for your 12th house planets which include not only your Sun and Jupiter but also your Mercury to bounce from one drama to another wondering why you are suffering. Let me be clear, your suffering is real, neither your fault nor what you want but you can change yourself and your life experience when you take charge of your will, your direction and your inner life. This will not be easy but it is imperative. Pluto is a demanding force which seems to push aside your free will and ability to move easily from one event to the next; instead you must develop a clear plan, be willing to put all of your abilities and time toward that plan and take the time to commit to, invest in and align yourself with a spiritual or psychological improvement technique or practice to organize and direct your energy. Your angular Pluto contains a great deal of power and ability to accomplish once you are centered, clear and empowered. Your Pisces Sun and Mercury are highly imaginative, sensitive and creative containing more than enough good ideas to start your own business.
Though Uranus and Pluto are not easy or comfortable in the 7th house of partnership, they do offer an exciting, interesting, deep and transformative relationship once you evoke and develop those aspects of your own nature. True, your 5th house does not contain any planets but your 12th house planets are more than creative enough as is your 1st house Venus and Venus does rule your 7th house offering romance in this lifetime.
Your task is to slow down a bit, rewrite your life narrative, create your plan and commit to it 1,000%. A coach or therapist could really help you learn how to utilize your strengths, develop your grand trine in water which can be brilliant and visionary and be disciplined in pursuing your goals. With Pluto in your 10th house of career now opposing your natal Saturn (your 10th house ruler) and Uranus squaring it as Jupiter prepares to conjunct it, I would strongly suggest focusing on your own development and your career while you have so much energy and opportunity. Your business chart is an interesting one which you initiated on the recent lunar eclipse when Mercury, Venus and Jupiter were moving into a fortunate conjunction. It is a very good beginning though you will have to get very clear to be successful with this chart since the Sun then was squaring Neptune as it opposed the Moon. Love will come in a few years quite naturally as transiting Uranus moves from Aries to Taurus where it will conjunct your Venus and change your love life completely. Good luck!
I am an astrologer myself and am truly in need of another’s outside perspective. I am 64 and absolutely miserable on just about every level. I feel I am at a turning point in my life yet I feel absolutely trapped without money or any kind of friends or support system. I feel as if I am under “house arrest” or a prisoner of war – unable to move or make any choices! I’ve been stuck in a city I dislike for nearly 6 years and have yet to find any kind friendship or support group that I can relate to. I am without money, a job or a car and living in a small space, being supported by my oldest daughter (bless her heart) but unable to continue burdening her with my constant unhappiness and complaints. She doesn’t understand and I hate to bother her with it anyway. My other 2 kids are avoiding me for many reasons, not the least of which is watching their once passionate, risk-taking proactive mother wallow in a sea of depression and indecision about everything. Your input would be greatly appreciated! My birth date is January 20, 1949. (AF)
Ouch, I can’t imagine anything more difficult for a 1st house Aquarius Sun with Mercury conjunct Mars in the 1st house than to be so confined. It seems that once transiting Pluto entered your 12th house, you have been “trapped” or “imprisoned” which indicates that this is a necessary time for you to access your natal Pluto which does closely oppose your natal Mercury/Mars and quincunx your natal Venus/Jupiter conjunction. Miserable, stuck, unhappy and clearly depressed is pretty awful. Yet, you correctly note that you are at a turning point with transiting Pluto and Uranus completing their powerful aspects to your Venus this year and transiting Neptune opposing your natal Saturn, your chart ruler, this year and next year. All three of the transpersonal planets are aligned aspecting your planets demanding, insisting, offering and compelling you to cease to create and live from your previously successful ways of creating and living your life. Your passion, capability and risk orientation is not lost to you but you do need to determine what the lesson or intention of your 2nd Saturn return was a few years ago and tap into that direction while Neptune is transiting your natal Saturn.
While this may seem a bit unrelated, I would strongly suggest that you dedicate yourself to your 12th house small living space, your aloneness in your “cell” and this time when you have support to a voluntary inner work from which you will emerge knowing what, where and how to proceed to the next chapter of your life. In fact, I would explore lives of mystics and prisoners of conscience who were confined only to return to a world which was now ready for their contribution as they were now prepared to offer themselves in a uniquely conscious manner. Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi come to mind.
I do believe you are preparing for something important as transiting Saturn soon reaches your Midheaven, transiting Jupiter soon reaches your Descendant, both your progressed Sun and Mars will square your natal Venus which rules your 9th house of life purpose and your solar arc progressed Uranus will conjunct your natal Saturn as soon as Neptune finishes tilling the soil during its current transit. I do not diminish the reality of no money, no job, no car, no friendships and no support groups and I don’t know exactly how or when this shift in your life took place (can’t really know which transits and progressions set off this situation since I don’t have that timing) but I do know that this is a probation or preparation time for you and that Pluto has a new task and life for you. Remember that your natal Saturn does trine your natal Venus/Jupiter and though it also quincunxes your natal Sun, this is just holding you here until you are ready and the time is right. Both of the beneficial planets, Venus and Jupiter in your 12th house with transiting Pluto either already conjunct or soon to conjunct them is setting the course for your spiritual or meaningful contribution in the near future. I hope this helps you to know that this time is purposeful and will not last for the rest of your life. Blessings.