I was born April 24, 1959 and am currently up in the air over work, finances, and, of course, my personal life. I can’t see what direction to take, if any, and am not satisfied with life as it is yet I feel unsure what to change at the age of 54. (AM)
Up in the air, unsettled, restless, dissatisfied, unsure – all of these words and many more could describe your current situation as transiting Uranus begins its transit to your 7th house marriage angle and its opposition to your Ascendant while transiting Pluto prepares to conjunct your Nadir and oppose your Midheaven next year. Wow, all 4 angles activated by two of the 3 transpersonal planets will surely rework your life completely. Last year and this year transiting Pluto has been opposing your natal Mars which rules your 7th house of marriage and is in your 9th house of life purpose stressing both your marriage or lack of partnership while making it virtually impossible to know which way to go in your life. Of course, with Uranus and Pluto squaring one another in the sky, transiting Uranus is also squaring your Mars. Mars co-rules your 2nd house of finances and income leaving that arena also unsettled. Fortunately, both Pluto and Uranus will move past your Mars by the end of the year freeing up your energy, motivation and direction to make the changes you will be making over the next 2 – 3 years. As a Taurus with your Sun in the 7th house of marriage and Libra rising, if you are on your own now Uranus will bring a new, exciting partner with whom you can build a life together and, if you are in a difficult marriage, it will be time to either renew the marriage making it really work or to let it go. Pluto’s added influence intensifies the importance of facing the truths of your current and historical picture in partnership.
Transiting Saturn is now moving into your 2nd house of talents, income and finances insisting that you align your work with your values, utilize your full talents and become fully conscious of what money means to you, how you spend it and what needs to change or grow in order for you to become comfortable with your finances supporting the life you imagine for yourself. With both Pluto and Uranus having aspected your natal Saturn, ruler of your 4th house of home and family, as well as their approach to your Nadir, I would ask if you are living where you wish to live for this chapter of your life. If not, it may be time to make a move. Your description of feeling unsure is quite understandable due to these powerful aspects, therefore, it will be best for you to trust your dissatisfaction as an accurate instinct acknowledging that each arena of your life needs to be reviewed before substantial decisions are made. I would suggest beginning with where to live and where you are in your personal life in order to respect the concerns raised by the Uranus/Pluto transit to your natal Mars/Pluto opposition followed by the potential for a new job, career move or even a new career next year as Jupiter enters your 10th house of career along with the coming Uranus/Pluto influence to the same house. Despite being 54, a careful set of choices over the next couple of years will allow you to enter your 2nd Saturn return solidly living a life you will want to continue to build and enjoy for many more years.
My birth date is March 17, 1960. I have been in an up and down career pattern most of my adult life and, if one looks at the financial picture, since I was a child as my father was a self made millionaire (Scorpio) who lost most of his fortune when I was 15 causing great upheaval in our lives. I floundered through my twenties then became a scenic artist in film enjoying periods of success albeit with much pressure and stress. The industry is very dysfunctional and I hope to put my substantial gifts towards a higher purpose. My unhappy 21 year marriage came to an end in 2010. I am in a period of unemployment just as my ex wife is coming after me for more money and does not have a job either. How do you see my love life and career path unfolding? I am doing breathing work and prayer daily and feel my confidence coming back. Can you comment please? Thank you. (DW)
The good news is that your life is meant to be in a period of intense, significant transition just now as transiting Uranus has been conjunct your Descendant opposing your Ascendant while transiting Pluto has begun a conjunction to your Nadir as it opposes your Midheaven. While this is a highly charged, demanding time in your life, it is also the potential time for a completely new life that is resonant with your dreams. It would be easy to say that the bad news is that your ex wife is seeking more money from you when you are unemployed and that currently you don’t have a job or even that you have had a long period of unhappiness in both your career life and your relationship. Yet, the most important sentence in your question is “I am doing breathing work and prayer daily and I feel my confidence coming back” which is an ideal statement revealing that you are listening to and trusting your Pisces Sun to guide you to wholeness. As painful as the end of a long marriage is, both the 21 year length of your marriage which is ¾ of a complete Saturn cycle and your description of the marriage as an unhappy one make absolutely clear that you have completed this marriage and are free to find a new, loving partner. I generally find that Pisces men are most successful when they find and commit to a woman who truly loves them, admires their talent and holds a vision of their ultimate success. The profoundly sensitive nature of a Pisces is challenging for a man to carry alone in our western, competitive culture while maintaining inspiration and confidence. Of course, it is not easy for Pisces women to do so alone either but Pisces is a feminine sign lessening somewhat the societal pressure for them and easing the possibility of being supported by a successful man who embraces their dreams. Now that Uranus, the archetype of freedom, has freed you from your long, unhappy marriage you will be able to find your partner.
For the first time since your early 20’s your progressed Mars will be changing signs as it moves from Pisces to Aries unleashing your drive, motivation, engagement and will to accomplish what you are capable of creating. As Mars rules your 7th house of marriage this progression also opens a new, exciting chapter in your romantic life. When your solar arc progressed Mars reached a conjunction to your Descendant, you divorced while over the next 1 ½ years as it moves into your 7th house you are likely to find and marry a creative, loving, supportive partner. Meanwhile, transiting Jupiter will reach your Midheaven this summer offering you more opportunity in your career than you have experienced in the last 12 years when Jupiter last entered your 10th house; your progressed Moon, the Moon ruling your 10th house, has moved into your 2nd house of income for a 2 ½ year stay as you explore, renew, and market your talents as well as describing your reemerging confidence; and, transiting Saturn conjuncting your natal Moon in the 2nd house trining your 6th house Sun will stabilize your career and income over the next 2 years. As a Pisces with your North Node of the Moon in the 12th house it is crucial that you do dedicate your talent to your soul guidance as you have now done. Continuing to pray, to do your healing work and to listen to your spirit as you tap the immense potential of your Pisces soul will allow you to create your own future not replicate your father’s pain. There are many more significant transits and progressions in your chart enhancing this period of your life as the threshold from which you can step into your world.