From the “Moon Lovers” series
by Dana Gerhardt
“If you want to say good-bye to someone and be sure it sticks, do it on a Scorpio moon.” Our moon advisor laughs. “It’s a great day to do laundry for the same reason! The dirt will lift off and disappear! But don’t air your bedding now. Can you feel how damp it is? The moisture will stay in the pillow feathers long after you bring them in. Although the damp is great for your vegetables.” She leads you through her garden. “Soil takes to fertilizer now—I’m not talking about that chemical kind! Organic is a must. See how lush this darling is?” She touches a large leafy plant unfamiliar to you. “I planted it on a Scorpio moon. Bugs got everything else in the same bed, but not this one. What you plant during Scorpio is extra hardy and resistant. Any medicinal herbs you gather now will be particularly effective.” She looks up and watches a solitary raven wheel across the sky. She closes her eyes and breathes in deeply, as though she just got a message she was waiting for. “Let’s go in for some yarrow tea.” The blinds are drawn; the room feels cozy and warm. Now for the reason you’re here: she is ready to read your cards. “The messages are very clear on a Scorpio moon. We can go as deep as we want. Those little corners we don’t want to look at? Today we’re ready to see them. That’s good!” She carries a box with a gold inlaid snake on top. Inside are her cards, wrapped first in a black, then a red, scarf. “Of course, the deeper you go, usually the more passion you find. Everybody nowadays keeps too much of their good stuff hiding within. But not you, eh?”
Daily Planner for Today’s Scorpio Moon
by April Elliott Kent
Today’s Mood: Intense, and a little testy
Today’s Question: “What’s really going on?”
Today’s Gods: Mars, God of war; Pluto, God of the Underworld
Today’s Guides: serpents, eagles, undertakers, accountants, therapists
Today’s Wardrobe: Gothic Bordello Chic – deep décolletage, crushed velvet, heavy eye makeup.
Today’s Assignments: Defend the helpless. Destroy your enemies. Tell it like it is. Throw away things you no longer need. Consult a counselor.
More Scorpio Strategies
by Simone Butler
Scorpio Moon days can be emotional. There’s a lot going on beneath the surface or behind the scenes that isn’t immediately apparent. Sudden insights or hunches may arise, so watch carefully for them. Sex and power are on peoples’ minds at this time of the month. Some may be plotting revenge, while others are writing enticing profiles to post on a dating site. Passions are running high – which can work in your favor with love. For more lunar wisdom, see Simone’s book, Moon Power: Lunar Rituals for Connecting with your Inner Goddess.
Are you touching the Moon?
It’s one thing to read about the Moon, but another to tune into her with energetic sensitivity. The first method is mental; the second is sensuous and intuitive (which is of course the preferred way to grasp the Moon). Lunar intuition is a natural ability that can be developed with practice. Developing mine, I was inspired by a friend’s report of spending an idyllic summer in the forest. Nestled in nature, without the chaos of the competing mechanical rhythms, her sensitivity became so refined, she felt it whenever the Moon changed signs.
Nature is everywhere. Even in our concrete and cyber jungles, we can sense her influence. At least once with the Moon in this sign, give yourself a 15-minute luxury of stillness. Quiet your thoughts. Observe the energy—how are things moving? Tune into the texture of the atmosphere floating around you. Feel its sensation on your skin. Describe what you feel, even if it’s so subtle you think you’re making it up. Over time your sensitivity and discernment will increase. In a month, you sense this sign again.
A water sign Moon, key qualities for Scorpio are cool and moist. Think of cool mist. Imagine being surrounded by it; it’s drawing into your pores and sinking into the earth, nourishing the roots of all growing things. Train your senses on water’s life-sustaining force. If there’s ever a time to take a long, luxurious scented bath, it’s during a water sign Moon. Water can be far more soothing and nourishing now, in ways your senses will slowly start to name. Touch the leaves of your camellia bush—can you feel how supple they are? Is your skin softer today? Water days can help to open intuition; too much water and we might drown in self-indulgence or apathy.
“Scorpio Moon: Can be brooding, vindictive, and resentful, dredging up past hurts. A good time to be alone and heal yourself, rethinking life strategies. Excellent for insight into your own motives and those of others. Sensuous. Power plays and manipulations abound, so don’t react too fast. Satisfaction in research, seeking insight, self-help groups, therapy.” ~ Donna Cunningham