The New Moon rises at dawn and sets at sunset, which is why you won’t see the moon on the day of the New Moon. Because the Moon rises between 15 and 50 minutes later each night, you’ll see a sliver of moon in a day or two, just after sunset, low in the western sky.
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From Dana Gerhardt’s Moon Workshop
The New Moon travels with the Sun, rising and setting as one. At first she’s lost in the bright solar light… bathing there perhaps. It’s how the Moon makes herself new. And you? It’s your chance to become new now too. Lose yourself in possibilities. Forget your history: your likes and dislikes… even those goals you say you want but never seem to achieve. Refresh instead your animal nature, senses awake, happily, simply aware of being alive. When the Moon starts to gently lag behind the Sun, pulling away from her bath; you’ll see a thin crescent in the west, just after sunset. Make a wish. In the days ahead, realize there are invitations all around you, arriving in ways you might mistake if you’re not open. Your task is to say yes to an invitation you’ve never said yes to before. Embark on a big or little adventure. Start something new.
This Moon’s gift is Inspiration.
Receive. Open yourself to divine influence—allow your guides, serendipity, to suggest a new path. Explore without expectation—adventure, go somewhere new.
Its foundation element is Fire.
Fire nourishes your visionary spirit and your confidence. It draws you towards bright futures. Play (carefully!) with fire: Burn candles, sit in the sun, eat hot, spicy foods. Feel the fire in your belly and let it guide your hands and feet.
What do you most need to learn this phase?
Good questions can carry you far. Asking the right questions now is the key to future success. If you don’t know which questions to ask… find something that makes you unhappy and start asking why it makes you unhappy. Keep with this line of questioning until inspiration flashes.
Are you touching the Moon? It’s one thing to read about the Moon, but another to tune into her with energetic sensitivity. The first method is mental; the second is sensuous and intuitive (which is of course the preferred way to grasp the Moon). Dana’s Moon Workshop can support you in developing an exciting, organic relationship with the Moon. Click for more information.