I am in a stable, committed, sexually satisfying relationship with a person I love yet I find myself fantasizing, and lately dreaming, about someone from my distant past. It troubles me to think that I’m unfaithful, even if only in my dreams! What is my subconscious trying to tell me? –Andrea K.
It’s not wrong to have an active fantasy and dream life. Even happy couples (were they to share it openly, and I’m not suggesting anyone should) have fantasies about being with other people. Keep your secret thoughts and don’t shame your self for having a dream lover. More people have them than you think!
I don’t think this dream is necessarily about your fidelity to your partner – or your ex. If you take a moment to search your heart you’ll probably realize you aren’t the same person today your ex knew then, and chances are, neither is he. But let’s pretend he hasn’t changed. Maybe he’s still the same person he was. Either way, imagine the disillusionment of getting back together. Oh boy! Visualize that romantic moment when you realize he is still holding on to that “thing” you did, and that your spiritual IQ has grown by 40 points, not his. Yes, it’s time to honor this time of life attraction for what it was.
Yet he can still be your dream lover. He just belongs in dreamtime because that’s where he is guaranteed to make you happiest. Astrologically, you’ve got Neptune in Pisces transiting your fifth house of lovers for the next few years. The privacy of your fantasy life is yours, and yours alone, to relish. Enjoy it. Do so and trust that your current partner will reap the benefits of your expanded sense of connection.