I was born on July 5, 1956. I am feeling bored and stuck in my life. I keep feeling that I’m meant for something better, but what exactly? I am single, never married and feel that I am not meant to work in a sales job that no longer fulfills me. I’m willing to work hard to earn money but I just can’t seem to get that job that pays what I truly need. I have worked part time in the music business and theatre/arts field but could never get a full time job…as much as I tried, nobody would hire me for a full time position. I feel this is where my heart is…but I’ve given up on that notion in all honesty the older I become. Any thoughts on where I should be? I have been struggling financially partly due to layoffs 2 years ago that really put me back. Will I find true love again? I have not been in a relationship for a long time, am tired of being on my own but would not want to a relationship to crowd me at this point in my life. It would also be wonderful to live near the water. I look forward to your response. EC
How many of us feel out of synch in critical areas of our life and why? How many of us are not sure where we should live, what our purpose is, how to live that purpose if we know what our purpose is, how we can support ourselves while living a true life, and how can we live respectfully with our evolving sensitivities in this chaotic, challenging, transforming world? Your feelings and concerns are both personal and shared by so many at this critical evolutionary moment for humanity. A study of your chart reveals transiting Neptune squaring your Moon, both transiting Uranus/Pluto soon aspecting your Sun, transiting Saturn recently moving across your Descendant into the solar/upper hemisphere and transiting Uranus in your 12th house moving toward your Ascendant. Wow, your life is going to change dramatically over the next several years opening up your career, your finances and your personal/relationship life, perhaps, even including a major move. The aspects that are or recently were exact are transiting Saturn conjuncting your Descendant which signals a serious consideration of your history in relationships, your current intentions for your relationship future and a commitment to any psychological, physical or spiritual work you may need in order to be the partner you are capable of becoming which will lead to right relationship for you. Transiting Neptune in your 11th house squaring your 2nd house Moon is meant to trigger your vision of what is possible in your future leading to your recognition of your value and talents and your ability to support yourself doing what you believe is your destiny. Neptune periods, which for you will be March 2012 through January 2013, begin with the emotions of confusion, boredom, resignation, feeling “nowhere” and recognition of how many disappointments one has endured. These periods ideally end with a renewed sense of inspiration, purpose and possibility which leads to synchronicities (meetings, offers, connections, lucky breaks) offering a more soul aligned life. In January 2013 transiting Pluto will conjunct your Midheaven, the career angle, completely transforming your career. In the best case this will be the ultimate opportunity to find a new, more exciting job or even a switch to a much more satisfying career. The Pluto transit to your Midheaven will continue for 2 years during which transiting Uranus will also aspect your Midheaven supporting the impact of this change and you will greet your 2nd Saturn return, Saturn ruling your 10th house career. Your time for a renewed career will soon arrive. Your natal Saturn has very challenging aspects validating your difficult career history struggling against seemingly insurmountable odds. It is time for that pattern to end. Your job now is to use this time to work diligently on your consciousness as you allow yourself to contemplate all the possible lives that would motivate and satisfy you regardless of whether they seem possible or not (Neptune doesn’t recognize human lack of imagination). Over the next 2 years transiting Saturn will trine your Sun, transiting Uranus will square it and transiting Pluto will oppose it leading to an extraordinary awakening and change in your entire being which will bring in a new relationship and creative imagination, your Sun ruling the 5th house of romance and creativity, as well as a career that will be satisfying. There are also progressions supporting this expansive new chapter in your life. Don’t look back, look forward.
I love how you answer people’s questions. I had a death experience in 1984 coming back to life on September 15, 1984. I had lived in a state of meditation living “On Purpose” for 10 years before the death experience. This death experience completely validated everything I knew to be “True” but also put me in a different reality. I am an Empathic Healer, Spiritual Intuitive, Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology and Master’s in Psychiatric Social Work…author, host and producer of a radio talk show host for 8 years based on Moon cycles. I never ask for help as I usually have my own answers but now I feel like I am up to the top of neck in quicksand. I never felt at home on this planet, however, moving to a less dense place helped me remain in my body and live more out in the world while still being grounded. I came back into my body during the death experience because I saw how my daughter’s life would go without our continuing relationship. I was inter-dimensional before the Death, this was magnified after the experience, now I live in the Rhythm of Pure Love as on the human level all the 2012 changes and solar flares may be telling me I have served my Purpose here and should now help from other side. If am not accomplishing enough, it doesn’t make sense for me to just go through hell to try to stay in a body. I rented a place here for 20 years leading to a relationship, both personal and financial, with the owner’s son (February 15, 1959) which has become chaotic triggering Lupus. He loves me; I am not in love but do love him, although I see him as a sensitive old soul who is very wounded/damaged. I don’t like living with people I feel sorry for. I don’t have it in me to make a big move. I see my only options as either exiting the planet or somehow finding a cheap trailer in another location which may be too dense a place and life for me. I have no income and only about enough money left to buy the trailer. When I try to pack either my back goes out or my arthritis hurts so much I can’t do it. I don’t think about pain and was totally healthy for the 20 years I lived on my own with my own timing and no interruptions. Now I feel I am living in another person’s nightmare. As long as I felt I was helping him, I felt this situation was worth the upsets but now it just feels wrong. I need to end things positively but this is difficult when I can’t discuss anything without a fight. Do you see me moving? Do you see this as the end of my life? I feel I have lots to share but there are many others at this time who seem to have better karma at connecting with people and making a living at helping raise the consciousness of the planet…do I still belong here? Any redeeming aspects that I don’t see cuz I don’t see any? I would greatly appreciate any “insights” you have. Do you see me able to earn a living? Always felt I was more the teacher’s teacher as I am usually too in depth for the average person…usually 10 years ahead of time. YH
The previous question was very different than yours, however, you both, like so many of us, are struggling to find your way in a seriously challenging time. Let’s take a quick look at 1984, such a significant transition in your life, where we see both Uranus and Pluto either making or setting up to make profound changes in your awareness and life path. In addition to Uranus/Pluto transits, that period was the last time transiting Saturn was in Scorpio which it just re-entered in October. Currently, both Uranus and Pluto are squaring one another in the sky as both planets near aspects to your Saturn in the 8th house and your Moon’s nodes. Just as 1984 changed everything in your life rebirthing you into a more aligned location, life, and career, Saturn will soon to conjunct your Ascendant again signaling another rebirth. Therefore, yes, it is time to end your current relationship, home situation and create a renewed life. It is true that transiting Jupiter is moving into your 8th house of death and both your natal Saturn and north node of the Moon (soon to be aspected by Uranus/Pluto) are also in the 8th. A Uranus/Pluto shedding of your Saturn form, body, is quite possible but I believe it is just as possible for you to rebirth your work, your service on this planet, your health, your finances and your joy. As you made a conscious choice in 1984 for your daughter, it is time to make this choice consciously for yourself. I cannot say nor can anyone other than you which choice is the right choice. I do know that it is absolutely common for everyone to be discouraged, depressed and depleted due to genuine life situations as transiting Saturn comes into a conjunction to your Ascendant and natal Moon. I would advise you to wait out these Saturn aspects (September 2013) in order to be sure you are making the right soul decision. Between now and then, I believe you can re-imagine your life (transiting Neptune squaring your natal Sun), your relationship (your natal Sun in the 7th house), your home (Saturn co-ruling your 4th house of home), and your work (progressed Sun conjuncting your natal Pluto). Clearly you are meant to move out of your current home and relationship neither of which are where and who you aligned with for the next stage of your life. These profound aspects to your natal Saturn require blowing up your current foundation in every area that binds, restricts and depresses you. I am sure you know that your partner’s Pluto squares your Sun; his Mars conjuncts your Sun; his Neptune conjuncts your Ascendant and Moon while opposing your Mercury and squaring your Pluto; his Uranus also challenges your Moon/Mercury/Pluto/Ascendant/Descendant; and his Saturn quincunxes your Sun. Ouch, ouch, ouch! This is such a karmic relationship. You have helped him, he has supported you but, yes, his energy is depleting and disruptive for you. If you take some huge Uranus risks and leave, I feel there is another better chapter ahead for you if you choose it. Are there any good aspects, sure – your progressed Sun (ruler of your career house) conjuncting your natal Pluto in the 9th house suggests a huge breakthrough success in your career if you are willing to change everything else; your progressed Midheaven is opposing your natal Venus in your 6th house which can be work that recognizes your spiritual wisdom; and your solar arc Uranus nearing a conjunction to your Midheaven will open new, exciting opportunities for your world. It is true that your progressed Moon, now in Taurus, will be moving through your fixed T-square for the next 9 months which will be very difficult but there is significant work, wisdom, success and support on the other side of these transits as your progressed Moon moves above the horizon. Your service will be valued here or on the other side. At every juncture, Gemini’s always face 2 valid choices. As the intuitive you are, you will know what is right for your soul.
Kate says
I enjoy this site….very interesting…this is the first time I have ever sought advice on here.