Your body has already been inside the eclipse zone for a couple weeks. Eclipses arrive in two’s (solar and lunar). Earlier this month, the lunar eclipse jittered the atmosphere; now it finishes with the solar. Given the one-to-three-week orb of each lunation, I find it hard to tell–energetically–which is which. Solar or lunar, we’re more easily tipped off balance. It helps to go slow.
We need grounding during eclipses. The best grounding agents are the feet as these literally connect our bodies to the earth. To meet this eclipse, place your own bare feet on the altar of this new moon. Given that Gemini rules the hands, we’ll bring them into our grounding too. Use your hands to massage your feet with a beautifully scented oil. Quietly hold your feet in your hands. Gently breathe. Wait for that magic moment when your hands and feet form a comforting energetic circuit.
Your feet and hands are vital centers for energy flow. Here’s an experiment. Stand barefooted on the earth. Relax into your feet. Wait until they feel soft and pudgy, as though you were standing in mud or sand. Without thinking about how to do this, let your toes plug into the earth–energetically. Make sure your knees are relaxed. Once you awaken to the the circuit, you’ll note a bright updraft of earth’s prana or chi. You’ll feel both anchored and buoyant. The steadiness and delight in your full body will grow. If you have the flexibility, bend forward and place the soles of your hands underneath your feet. Again, feel the energetic circuit that’s created.
Honor your fingers and feet during this eclipse by using them with mindfulness. When you massage your hands and feet, you revitalize all the organs and energetic pathways in your body. Do this before sleep and your dreams will be clearer and more peaceful. When you take care of your extremities, you nurture the whole of you. This is important at eclipse time!
Tuning into the .parts of the body ruled by each new moon is a wonderful practice. Do this for a year and you’ll enjoy mental and physical benefits! Get fantastic support with my monthly Moon Workshop here.
Cynthia says
I saw this after the solar eclipse and my emotions and energy are all over the place. How do you balance yourself AFTER the eclipse had occurred? Thanks in advance
Dana Gerhardt says
You need to calm the nervous system and GROUND yourself. Slow deep breaths along the length of the spine are good for the nervous system. Lying with your back on the ground for forty minutes will ground you.
Lisa Murphy says
March 12/2017, Hi. I woke up at 4am wide awake. I have had vivid, wild dreams this month, actually , more sort of disturbing than I’m used to, in my sleep travels. The past few days when I wake up I can’t stop vomitting, then it passes when I’m pretty much “emptied out”. My birthday is March 15, born in ’66.
1!/2 mos. leaving a twelve year, on and off, relationship, and career choices circling me like wolves, not necessarily in a positive way, I want to be responsible in my choice, however I feel “stuck”, inside, like I just want to take off and be free and “come what may”.
Every month I say,”wow, that moon!”, however this moon seems considerably potent.
Blessings, Lisa
Dana Gerhardt says
Hi Lisa, blessings… sounds like a good time to “Ask the Goddess”: link to
Brian says
Very interesting! Last years Pisces solar eclipse had me coming down with the flu followed by bronchitis followed by an intense rash! I can’t even remember the last time I had any of those alone much less all at once.
This years Pisces eclipse had my feet and ankles swelling up at the end of the day. Another rarity for me!
Dana Gerhardt says
Symptoms are always revealing… it’s how the Great Mother communicates with us. She’s saying “Here, something is out of balance.”