James Hubbell’s gorgeous shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Old Mission San Diego. Photo by Anna Day Mona.
At the New Year, we long for a fresh start and a clean slate. Yet all over the world, illness and restrictions continue. How are we to set our 2022 intentions and feel confident about meeting them, when things are still so unclear?
There are several astrological factors at play in the coming year, including the continuation of the one-foot-on-the-gas, one-foot-on-the-brake Uranus-Saturn square that has characterized 2021. This contentious aspect is helping us break down the old ways so the new can thrive. Since the square continues through next fall, chances are we won’t get past Covid restrictions until after that time – although progress will no doubt be made throughout the year. So, don’t throw away those masks just yet. We’re being challenged to have faith and to keep our spirits up, which the next major transit of 2022 should foster.
Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, has just returned to its own sign of Pisces for four months (with a two-month completion at year’s end). Jupiter in Pisces is about hope, faith, momentum and higher purpose. We had a preview of this energy from mid-May through July of 2021. Did you catch a glimpse of possibility, a ray of hope, at that time? The next phase of this transit particularly favors the water and earth signs. For all of us, it will bless the Pisces area of our charts. Jupiter is moving toward a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces for the first time since the mid-1850s, which will perfect in April. This combo is bound to stir up magic, creativity, romance and dreams – but also, potentially, deception (more on this in the next few months). For now, I’ll just say that it’s essential to stay as conscious as possible, and to not fall prey to delusional thinking.
Meanwhile, at the Capricorn New Moon (Jan. 2, 10:34 a.m. PST), we can set some practical goals and move toward them, while staying flexible. As the Sun and Moon join in earthy Capricorn, they make a fortuitous trine to Uranus in Taurus. This suggests that 2022 will be characterized by innovative scientific and consciousness-related developments and applications. Since this lunation happens so close to New Year’s Day, it does supports a new beginning. Yet New Moons are by definition dark moons, and it’s apt to take some time for seeds planted now to bear fruit, with faith being required in the meantime.
At the New Moon, Mercury is at zero Aquarius – the auspicious Jupiter-Saturn degree which launched the Aquarian Age at the 2020 Winter Solstice. The Sabian Symbol for the first degree of Aquarius, An Old Adobe Mission in California, refers to the “concretization of an ideal,” according to Dane Rudhyar. This certainly describes the potential of stabilizing Saturn in idealistic Aquarius (Saturn rules this Capricorn New Moon).
In 1982, gifted artist James Hubbell created the (pictured) shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, at the old adobe Mission San Diego. It’s a beautiful tribute to a beloved Catholic saint whose miraculous powers are legendary. Since Capricorn is the sign of the Wise Woman, Our Lady of Guadalupe is a lovely archetype of the divine feminine to invoke at the New Year.
You might create an altar in a part of your home that feels uplifting to you, and include a picture of Our Lady or a seven-day candle with her image on it (many grocery stores have them). Then, add anything else that speaks to what you’re affirming for the New Year, and make sure the area is clean, clear and beautiful. At the New Moon, burn some sage and light the candle. Ask Our Lady to expedite whatever miracles you want to see in 2022 – for yourself and the world. You could give thanks that a cherished dream – even one that’s eluded you for decades – finally starts to take form. Ask for the patience, devotion and faith to see it through. Be sure to give a nod to Lord Jupiter, too. This is his year – and it can be one in which dreams come true in miraculous ways!
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