Expressing Anger

While studying Tara’s charts, I noticed some difficult Mars patterns in her transits and progressions. What I knew of her before our session was that she was looking for a better job, and her mother had died some months earlier, about which she was understandably still feeling depressed. Halfway into her reading, I asked, “Are […]
A Tale of Two Venus-es

It’s not fair. Some sky neighborhoods are more advantaged than others. Planets from these lush zones are born into comfortable nurseries. The roads to their success are generally smooth. The sky holds stark neighborhoods too. Planets born in these zones face more challenges. The roads are rough, often unpaved.
Why is Donald Trump So Royally Orange?

In the old myths the gods would sometimes descend to earth, disguise themselves, and masquerade as human. Something like this happens with the planets on our Ascendant if we have any. We become their emissaries. We embody their spirit with our form. Channeling such power can overwhelm and confuse not only us, but those around is. It can also empower us to become "larger than life." Through our personas, the gods get to walk around in the world.
The Treatment for Election Shock

That there are five stages to grief is well known. Grief supposedly goes from denial to anger to bargaining to depression and finally to acceptance. However—these are just the stages that the mind goes through. They have nothing to do with the true journeying of your feelings. Depression is never the signal that you’re nearly done with emotional processing. Rather, it suggests you haven’t begun!
2020’s Mind-Blowing Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction: Shadow & Light

Seven of the top ten deadliest pandemics in human history erupted during Jupiter/Pluto transits—just like the conjunction that peaks this year in April, June, and November.Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct during the outbreak of the Spanish Flu in 1918. Bubonic plague ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia from the J/P conjunction of 1347 to their opposition in 1353. In modern times, the Lord of death and shadows (Pluto) has joined forces with the God of growth and expansion (Jupiter) during our five most recent pandemics.