My husband recently decided to make a significant change to his diet. Since we eat most of our dinners together, I figured I would jump aboard and try it myself. It was a pretty big change for me, though, and during the day I hewed to my usual habits, which included a regrettable volume of Cheez-its crackers. Still, within a couple months my clothes were fitting looser, so I was sold on easing into this new lifestyle.
Then, one morning after I gave our diabetic cat her blood test, I decided to test my own blood glucose level. I’d been thinking of doing this for a while, but to be honest I didn’t really want to know the answer. As I suspected, the number…was not good. And that was it for “easing” into a new lifestyle—I was all in. In an instant, as with the toxic boyfriends of my youth, I fell out of love with junk food snacks and heavy sauces. I will miss my cheezy overlords (even the bad boyfriends had their charms), but I know my life will be better without them.
As the Full Moon approaches in Taurus, a sign with a singular appreciation for the physical world, I’ve decided to stop hiding from the ways I’ve been destroying my poor old body. That’s how a Full Moon works sometimes: it shines a spotlight on something that you’ve actually known (or at least suspected) was going on, but had been unwilling to face. I spent a good part of that day regretting how badly I’ve treated a body that wants only to be useful to me.
Not that I’ve been entirely cheerful about this transition. With Taurus on the cusp of my sixth house, the house of daily routines and their contribution to health, my default setting in this area of life is indulgence and a stubborn refusal to change—the shadow side of this stalwart sign. But the good news about Taurus’ stubbornness is that it also works in your favor when you become determined to make a positive change in your life.
And happily, Taurus bears a message of common sense, asking nothing esoteric or magical of us. It’s usually something very obvious and practical that your mom might have told you, like “Stop eating so many Cheez-its,” or “You know that guy is no good for you” or perhaps “Geez, cut up your credit cards and pay off your debt!” Often, we make life way more complicated than it needs to be, and that’s usually because we just don’t want to make the simple, obvious changes we know we need to make.
This is an amazing Full Moon chart for undertaking change. The Taurus Moon and Scorpio Sun are in positive aspect to powerful Pluto, the planet of control, as well as Jupiter in Scorpio (“I believe I can change”) and Neptune in Pisces (envisioning a new reality). And Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, is almost exactly opposed Uranus the Awakener.
Where have you needed to wake up, get real, and get down to business? It could be a relationship that isn’t working, money problems, a house that needs repairs, or the desire to write a book. If you’re having trouble putting your finger on it, look to the house of your chart where 11.58 Taurus falls. (If you need help finding this, this blog post might help.)
Recognizing the need for change, and even what needs to be done to make it happen, is just the beginning. Luckily, Taurus is a sign that is not afraid to roll up its sleeves and get to work. As my Taurus mom liked to say, “Just because a solution is simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy.” At this Full Moon, though, the simple solution might feel just a little bit easier.
Lara Flynn says
Always grateful for your monthly writing