When Dana asked me to write about my experience as a man with the Divine Feminine, I was thrilled, then nervous as a chicken passing through the shadow of an axe. Like a lot of men I know, I’m the product of centuries of negative imprinting. We’ve been taught to be brutal, determined, silent, and emotionally unavailable. For me, it’s been a long, painful, and exhilarating process to even begin to unlearn such training, and I have only been able to do so with the powerful guidance of a woman who embodies the Divine Feminine.
She demands nothing less than absolute devotion. I’ve had to learn how to listen, to love as meditation, to give her what she wants, not what I think she wants.
Time and again in my ongoing training, I’m reminded of an ancient story in which a good king is charged by a conqueror to discover what it is that a woman truly desires. He is given a year to find the answer or forfeit his lands and life. Relentlessly, the king travels the world interviewing everyone he meets. People tell him that a woman most wants money, power, love, or solitude. The king knows in his heart that none of these are correct, and he approaches his foe’s castle with a feeling of hopelessness. But on his last night on the road, he meets a hideous looking woman who promises to tell him the correct answer if he’ll promise to grant her wish. The king agrees, of course, and the hag (who will soon become a beautiful woman) tells him the correct answer. A woman wants her will to have its way.
When that happens, beauty awakens and men are liberated from their evil intentions. Working towards this awareness, I wrote this poem.
If Only Men Truly Listened
If only men truly listened
To everything their women say.
I said, if only men truly listened
To everything their women say,
Maybe they’d be liberated
From the heartbreaking way
Their fathers distanced
Themselves from a woman’s eye
That watched and waited
Patiently with hardly a sigh
For any sign that he’d awakened
To her power and majesty,
Like falling to his knees, humbled,
Then looking up at her to pray.
My own awakening came during a long, late night conversation with my estranged beloved. Suddenly inspired, I got down on my knees before her, kissed her feet, looked up into her eyes, and surrendered. In a heartbeat, she saw it, and so did I. I felt liberated, devoted, and happier than I’ve ever been. Submitting to the Divine Feminine means just that. Surrender without resentment. It means recognizing Venus in every woman I see and especially in the woman I obey. I am Her servant. Always.
B says
Went right into the heartspace! This spoke so strongly to what I’ve been working on in regards my inner male/female relationship with the wish that I too will have the honour of a sacred partner to accompany on the path. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’ve forwarded it on to some other women friends and my daughter.
Margaret Bobalek King says
Enthroning a woman, understanding that what she most desires is that you as her man let you do her will is seen early in courtship (sometimes) when you are totaly in love, and as in the case of my marrraige late in life after a long marriage when many battles of the will have been fought and many surrenders on both sides have been made. My man has at long last arrived at this fact of life in many, but not all things. – your old friend, Margaret Bobalek King
Goddess kerry Keegan says
Thank you thank you thank you for writing your experience. This brings me to tears for so many reasons….. For the many trying attempts to describe something similar to my males friends, for the pleading with them to just try this, truly honor the divine feline by first honor it in me, then in you, then in us…….. I would love to have your permission to repost this article on our site http://www.presentjourneys.com…. soon to be live!
Deborah says
Dear Robert,
Go and clone yourself as soon as possible *!*
Thank you,
Women Of Earth
Eleonore says
I completely agree…clone yourself times a million…we so need you everywhere…I hold the vision you are teaching this to all the men you come in contact with…thank you for your beautiful words!
Don Doornbos says
Reminiscent of David Deida’s writings. Beautiful!
Dr. Dana Lynne Curry says
OMG Robert! Your post gave me chills! I do a spiritual blog (funfreeME.blogspot.com) and always reference this site 2x per month around the moon cycles and put a link to the rituals and inspiring posts. Wow!
Thanks so much. Your woman is a lucky, blessed being!
;0) dana
Julie says
Beautiful and inspiring! We can feel that this post comes from the heart… Thank you !