Sacred Vedic texts say that if the Goddess Devi closes her eyes for just one second, the entire universe will disappear. This is not a preposterous claim. Something similar happens every time we lose our connection to the Divine Feminine or the “Great Mama Field.”
We fall — into a dull, meaningless, unkind, chaotic world in which our own significance seems to disappear. Full Moons are a great time to re-set yourself to the Great Goddess system.
You don’t need any special equipment; it’s already installed and paid for. The machinery is in your body, beautifully designed by the contributory streams of your ancestors. It’s their experience and wisdom that patterned your DNA. Sitting under the Full Moon will begin to activate the old knowing. But to go further, you need to turn on your imagination — the reliable ruby slippers that can always take you home. To see the Great Mama Field, first you imagine it.
This isn’t a fantasy. You aren’t tricking yourself into seeing things that aren’t there. You’re using your imagination to awaken your body’s sensing of the subtler realms.
Under the Full Moon, when I imagine myself in the arms of the Great Mother, I feel immersed in a benevolent, intelligent field that fills all of space. And then my experience of the world around me changes. The air thickens. I become aware of a slightly more palpable energy field that’s floating around me.
I can play with my awareness of this field. I can add qualities to it or subtract them. If I’m feeling lonely, I can bring in the qualities of warmth, belonging and connection. As these are already in the field, by imagining them, I acquire the sensitivity to perceive them. I feel held — by something vast and loving. On the wings of my imagination, I sense that I am welcome and so is everyone and everything. We all belong. There is stability, safety, and infinite possibilities for connection. There is movement, but also harmony and flow. Someone is taking care of things.
Nestled in the Great Mama Field, I can breathe easier. I can relax. I can be more patient with any sufferings or mystery. I can trust. There are resources here. Reweaving myself into the Divine Feminine fabric of everything means that all that exists is now available to me. My universe is now full of potential, also sensitive and pliable. From this field, I may pull down new insights, resolve a memory, or send new ripples into my future. When I call out, I’m less surprised when something answers. I know what it’s like to be supported.
Just as Devi can demolish a world by shutting her eyes—so can she birth one by opening them. May you birth a new world under this Full Moon. First imagine, then locate the Great Goddess in the air that surrounds you. With practice you can become quite good at weaving the universe into a more benevolent basket. At each Full Moon you can weave yourself whole. This is an important Moon skill. Try it!
© 2021 Dana Gerhardt
At Mooncircles, we honor both the inner and outer Moons. Each is a perfect way to explore the other. Now is an excellent time to feed your soul the sky stories in your chart for 2021. Order Steven Forrest’s Skylog report. If you’re within three months of your birthday (before or after), Mary Shea’s Solar Return report is a delightful way to complete the picture.
Karin says
Der Dana, I can feel you are a practitioner, having experienced these other reality, thank you for summing up these beautiful thoughts here! It made me cry, Yes, we are creating our reality, just like Devi,
the Universe is full of positive vibration on the highest level and we are part of an enormously rich energy-field, the Great mother is the Universe, both inside and outside. .
Maria Manuela says
Thank you Dana.
Your article are giving us, more hopes, in a futur coming
Maria Manuela says
you Dana, for your powerful article.
Giving us a futur with hopes
Maria says
Thank you so much Dana, very helpful, more hopes…..g, in a futur comin