Pluto, the mythical Lord of the Underworld is an amazing transformation artist. But with clients, I never discuss his transits through the houses of their charts. Pluto is too slow. It’s like discussing hair growth—only after hair’s gotten too long do you notice. It’s not something you see (let alone direct) as it’s happening.
Slow-rolling Pluto goes like a great wave through the cultural sea, transforming the dynamics of power in whatever sign he touches. He alters history. He defines generations. But most of the time, individually, you and I are just corks, bobbing along in the great ocean of his transforming collective.
So, as an astrologer, I usually find other, more interesting things going on in anyone’s chart at any one time. Sometimes it’s an actual Pluto transit to a planet, which is very noticeable. But what he’s doing in a house … I don’t look at that until moments like this one, when Pluto changes signs. That’s when his footprints through the chart become fascinating. That’s when you can look in the mirror and see how much you’ve changed.
Transition is always a two-step.
Pluto enters Aquarius this week, on March 23, after spending 15 years in Capricorn. But he’ll leave again soon, retrograding back into Capricorn on June 11. It’s not until next January that he’ll be in Aquarius for good. This is a teaching: as change approaches—we go back and forth a little bit.
The shift from one sign to the next—from 29 degrees of the previous sign to zero degrees of the next one—this is always a two-step. But most of us get it wrong. Typically, we skip the culminating work of the 29th degree. We neglect to appreciate how an archetype has changed us. That’s like receiving a gift, tossing it aside and never sending a thank you card.
Instead—we knit our brows and try to conjure the future. We try to analyze and predict what will happen. But zero degrees of anything needs to be a spacious mystery, not something we box up and package before we get there. At zero, we open ourselves to the new winds that are blowing. We sniff and sense and receive.
Aquarius is a future-oriented, humanistic sign that oversees technology, scientific breakthroughs, and social revolutions. We can already see how dramatically (Aquarian) Artificial Intelligence will alter our world. Aquarius also rules social contracts. It forces the questions, “Who gets the power? People or politicians?” The sharply divided society Pluto-in-Capricorn has bequeathed us will need to be addressed. Both democracy and fascism are Aquarian vibrations—society will have to choose.
But for now… take this exquisite moment to develop some awe for your own journey. Look back. What has Pluto’s transit through the Capricorn house(s) of your chart done for you? What has transformed?
Where were you?
The last time Pluto hit zero degrees was November 27, 2008. It was Thanksgiving when he entered Capricorn. Cap areas of life like leadership, authority, tradition, institutions, and governments would all be tested and transformed.
That fall, the stock market crashed. Bank failures were on the rise, propelled by the 29th degree of Sagittarius, a sign with such reckless optimism, its risky lending practices met the Great Recession and the Real Estate Bubble burst.
Under a hopeful chant of “Yes we can!” Barack Obama had just been elected president. At the box office, a 17-year-old Bella Swan fell in love with a hot, 104-year-old vampire she met in biology class, our first Twilight movie. Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” and “If I Were a Boy” were topping the charts.
Now draw a line—connect the dots between that moment and this one. That’s how long Pluto has been shaking up Capricorn. What have we learned collectively? For one, that without accountability, leaders, governments, institutions and traditions aren’t as reliable as we thought. All of that can break and much of it has.
Bank failures are in the news again. The measures that Congress took in 2008 to ensure they wouldn’t recur were rescinded in 2018. We can’t blame Pluto—just ourselves.
But what about you?
Find the arc of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn in your chart, from zero to 29 degrees. This could span one or two houses (possibly three), depending on your chart.
In my chart, Pluto stirred the final degrees of my 4th house of home & family and then went through most of my 5th house of children & creativity. The Dark Lord’s Cap transit began with my son’s teenage years. Perhaps one of the greatest metamorphoses of my adult life came from that time–learning how to grow through the raging anger and testosterone of a teenage boy in the organic but turbulent process of separating from mom. Ouch! If I had a dollar for every time he glared and rolled his eyes at me or threw his controller against the wall. But now, at this transition, my Aquarian son is well-launched. He also thinks I’m swell. And I learned how to develop the quiet smile and patience of a Buddha.
Perhaps I’m most delighted about my creative growth. I wrote my Venus report at the beginning of this transit. I used the steady focus and ambition of Capricorn to study the ways of Venusian joy. Today I’m working on a book–for which my Buddha patience has come in handy. I’ve been working for over seven years. And in that time, as a writer, I’ve had to utterly transform. I can’t wait to finish this book and share it with you! But for the moment, I’ll just say a thankful prayer to Pluto, who even when I’m approaching my 70th year of life still visits–and still rocks–my world.
What about you? How did the Dark Lord transform you?
Madeline Hughes says
I left a response last week and saw a note that said something like it was being reviewed for moderation. Can’t remember the wording. What does that mean?
Dana Gerhardt says
Hi Madeline,
It means i was supposed to get a notification to go into my dashboard and approve the comment. I didn’t see the notification–but I’m sure I’m the weak link here. At this age, I’m lousy at the admin chores. I would have fired myself year ago.
Madeline Hughes says
Thanks, Dana. I had the same 4th, 5th (still) house transit you did. I have Mars at 29 Sag (inconjunct natal Uranus at O deg Gem). When Pluto hit my Mars (exactly), I resigned from all corporate contract work (20+ yrs), went home, developed my website, and supported myself for 11 more years, totally independent and more successful than when I worked for others in the business world. Shut it all down three months before Covid hit. Who knew? Divine intervention – it was just time to be free, do some traveling and spend some of my hard earned money.
Wonderful reminder of how powerful it is to look back and acknowledge what and how it all happened/changed. Now, Pluto in early Aquarius will conjunct my Mercury, Sun; trine my Uranus, Saturn, MC, Neptune and just past trining my moon. Yikes! I may be calling you for guidance.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Maria Manuela says
Platão no meu natal cai em casa V, sem qualquer planeta.
Tenho vindo a aprender, que Tinha que mudar e muito…
Estou vivendo nessa mudança. Quando tenho conciencia , fico
contente… é muito duro, mas ao mesmo tempo gratificante!
Obrigada Dana, Quantas vezes pensei em ligar…
Vou fazer 85 anos em Junho.
Um grande abraço
Maria Manuela Portugal
lelia d saunders says
Megan says
I love your perspective Dana! Looking forward to reading your book. Thank you for your insights!
Fotena says
Pluto taught me all about boundaries. I had a true sociopathic boss join my workplace as Pluto hit my 7th house. He was crazy and evil and I knew that I would never conquer him. The wise boundary (which I would never have heeded before, being a strong willed Ram) was to leave in safety and peace. My marriage began and ended. I learned more about what I needed. I have spent almost all of this transit single and learning who I am and what I can and can’t do. As Pluto finished up — he crossed into my 8th house and I lost 3 relatives and two soul loves in less than 2 years. Again showing me what I can and can’t bear. It has not been a merry time, but I am much stronger and more resilient. Thank you Pluto.
Marcia says
The article and Maria’s answer left me with the impression that the passage of Pluto through Capricorn left us all aware of the passage of time. Our age, our son’s age, our hair color, Covid and vaccines impact on our health. So, age, health, separations, no matter what house Pluto was in, the question was to be deeply aware of those Saturnian stuff. To me specifically I would add: have we built the material structure needed to face old age?
Jean says
Sooooo looking forward to your book, Dana!
Maria says
Thanks for sharing Dana. Monsieur Pluto spent those Capricorn years in my twelfth house uprooting family skeletons and myths. My 46 yr old Sagittarius son who has Mercury in Cap divorced me. (I must let go.)’ Have had to take up responsibilities I didn’t want which will develop me. Pluto presently on my 29 degree ascendant. Stopped dyeing my hair. and gone white. Since July 2022 had physical ailments including allergic reaction to Covid vaxx followed by Covid itself which have left me feeling old. Seeing it all as purification. A new life will dawn…the only way round it is through it. He opposes natal Pluto next. My ticket home? We’ll see. Am OK with that…I’m 80 in April.