“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” –Muhammad Ali
Comedian and talk show host Dick Cavett once stopped by to see his friend Muhammad Ali being filmed in New York. “The producer said Ali was being difficult and had walked away from the set,” said Cavett. “I found him standing on a bluff staring off into the distance and I said ‘Hey, you live around here?’ That got him laughing, out of his funk, and he went back to the set. We had that effect on each other.”
The world heavyweight champion boxer appeared on Cavett’s show 14 times during the late 1960s, where they shared frank discussions about politics and society. Behind the scenes, a close friendship developed. “We had nothing in common,” recalls Cavett, now 86, “but we brought out something in each other that was genuine and fun.”
Lonnie Ali, the late boxer’s wife, agrees: “Both men admired and respected one another for their mutual intellect, humor, and curiosity about people.” Astrologically, this is shown in several ways. Ali’s Sun at 27 Capricorn conjuncts Cavett’s Moon at 28 Capricorn – a sign known for its down-to-earth sense of humor. (And interestingly, the conjunction of Sun to Moon in any sign is often seen between the charts of happily married couples.) Cavett’s Sun at 27 Scorpio exactly sextiles Ali’s Sun. Despite their obvious differences, these guys understood one another. Plus, Cavett’s Mars in Libra elevates Ali’s Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini to a Grand Air Trine. No wonder the ideas flowed so thick and fast between them!
Friendship is a major theme at the Aquarius Full Moon (August 1, 11:31 a.m. PT). The question is: Who are your people – and have you been making time to nurture those connections? Perhaps some friendships have fallen by the wayside, and need renewing (with social Venus retrograde in Leo, this can be a good time to reconnect with those from the past). Such an outgoing Full Moon, with the Sun in let-your-light-shine Leo opposite the Moon in come-one-come-all Aquarius, can coax even the most recalcitrant folks out from under their rocks. It’s the closest and brightest Supermoon so far this year, made for socializing into the night. And, the Sun and Moon square good-time Jupiter in Taurus, which magnifies the social vibe to the max (just try to not overindulge in food, drink or reckless spending!)
In a synchronicity that bosom buddies Ali and Cavett might have appreciated, the International Day of Friendship arrives on Sunday, July 30 – making the weekend before Tuesday’s Aquarius Full Moon an appropriate time to gather with friends, old and new. Originated by Hallmark in 1919, the holiday was intended to foster the celebration of friendship by encouraging folks to send each other cards – but the idea fell out of popularity by the 1940s. In 2011, the United Nations officially recognized July 30 as the International Day of Friendship, though many countries celebrate it on the first Sunday of August.
Here are a few suggestions for marking the day – as well as the Full Moon:
* Do someone a favor, call a truce with a neighbor, or contact someone you haven’t spoken to lately.
* Make a new friend. Join an online forum, Meetup group or begin a new class.
* Attend a cultural event for the International Day of Friendship at a nearby community center.
* Host an event for your friends. Cook a nice meal (or have a potluck) at home or in a nearby park.
* Do something helpful for your community – donate food, pick up trash, or plant a tree.
Here’s to a great International Day of Friendship and Aquarius Full Moon!
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