Wait! Didn’t we just have an Aquarius New Moon last month? Yes, it’s rare, but occasionally two New Moons occur back-to-back in very early and very late degrees of a sign. This one-two punch thrusts all things Aquarian into super-duper prominence—from friendships and team-building to websites, blogs, equality between the sexes, animal welfare and the importance of getting in sync with future trends.
Adding to the significance, next week’s New Moon (Feb. 18, 3:47 pm PST) happens within hours of the Chinese New Year. Now we shift from the nervous, rushed pace of the galloping Horse to the slow, steady gait of the gentle Sheep (sometimes known as Goat). The Wood Sheep emphasizes nature and art, thoughtfulness and teamwork. Everyone born after mid-Feb. in 1955 is a Wood Sheep – so this is our year! All Sheep (those born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003) should feel the benefits, but so will anyone who’s willing to take a more sheep-ish approach to life. That doesn’t mean negating your needs or being ashamed of who you are—on the contrary, it’s about honoring yourself and others in a gentle, nurturing way.
The Chinese New Year is an important time to ritually cleanse your home. Since Sheep corresponds to the water sign Cancer, which prizes home and family, we want to clear away old, stagnant energies and usher in the new. The Wood Sheep brings peace and plenty, comfort and healing to those who are willing to simplify, slow down, eliminate unnecessary expenses, spend more time at home and come from your heart. Clear useless clutter from your home, car, purse—especially your desktop and inbox—to make way for more well-being and abundance. And, be sure to add lots of healthy green plants and fresh flowers to oxygenate the air and beautify the space. Save any big risks or independent ventures for Fire Monkey 2016, since the Wood Sheep favors slow cultivation and teamwork.
In Astro Feng Shui, Aquarius corresponds to Helpful People (the area just to the right of the front door as you enter). If you’re the type who usually tries to do everything yourself, now’s the time to change that pattern. Before the New Moon, spiff this area up as much as possible. Add angel figures to call in the aid and guidance of the Angelic Realm. Place a silver box in this area, and fill it with slips of paper on which you have written your intentions for help (i.e. “I give thanks that the perfect website designer is now coming to me.” Or, “I give thanks that my husband cleans out his Man Cave!”) Then at the New Moon, light a white or silver candle, read your desires out loud and give thanks for their fulfillment.
f you need help getting the Angelic Realm on your team, check out this Aquarius New Moon ritual from my book, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life. Or, contact me for an in-home Astro Feng Shui consultation – just $175 through the end of Feb. (reg. $250). Those outside San Diego can take advantage of this rejuvenating service by providing me with panoramic and close-up pictures of different areas of your home, or we can do the consultation via Skype.
Happy New Year!
Julia says
Thank you Simone – I put a little pink angel candle that I bought some time ago into my bag at the weekend (I’d left it at my mum’s house). I’ve been busy since the weekend and now just reading this article has reminded me of it. I had intended to put it somewhere in my home and now I know where to put it! Divine timing. The room to the right of my door is the bathroom!
Yolanda says
THANKS FOR Putting Together THE Connections. Very cool.