Dear Luna, I want to be feminine, but, at 25, I have no sexual life and no boyfriend. Sometimes, I feel the lack of a boyfriend but it is not obsessing me and I don’t want to make an obsession of it. In fact, I prefer being alone than having a boyfriend with who I will be bored and unhappy with. But, I also ask myself why I am so demanding concerning the guy I would like to meet. I have the feeling that no one will ever understand me because I am too complicated and no man will love me for who I am. He could love me for my body, my face, my comforting personality, but not for who I am truly. And it is maybe for this reason I am still alone today. Do you think I can connect to my femininity without having a sexual life?
Dear Lili, Yes, you can definitely connect deeply to your femininity without having a boyfriend or an external sexual life. In fact, the place to begin is by cultivating your sexual relationship to yourself. You have a strongly Scorpionic chart – although your Sun is in earthy Taurus, you have an exact Moon-Pluto conjunction in watery Scorpio, plus Scorpio rising, and Venus in the 8th house (Scorpio’s house). You’re very intense and all-or-nothing when it comes to sex. You have to trust someone completely before you surrender on that level. And, with Saturn in the 4th house, I imagine you’ve had a strict upbringing or have felt deprived of affection and acceptance from your family, which makes it hard to imagine receiving that from a man. Overcoming these fears and finding happiness in relationship is one big reason why you’re here. The April 26 New Moon activates your seventh house of partnership, and it’s happening within a few days of your birthday. That means you’re entering a new birthday year in which relationship is favored. Light two pink candles at the New Moon, ideally in your Love gua (far right hand corner from where you enter the front door of your home), and affirm out loud that you are ready for a happy relationship (if indeed you feel you are). Write down the qualities you seek in your partner, and give thanks that he is already with you. Then follow any inner promptings of places to go and people to meet. Luck and blessings to you! Love, Luna (Simone Butler)