My husband and I are contemplating selling our house and moving in with his 83 year old mom. I would like to know if it would be for all our greater good or is this a bad idea….especially for me.
—Sarah G.
I cast a horary chart for your question, and it didn’t look favorable. There’s a lot of confusion and/or self-sacrificing energy around you, while your mother-in-law holds all the power—even financially—in the situation. Even if you have a good relationship with her, you’re bound to feel constricted living in her home. And constriction is the last thing you want at this point in your life. Turbulent Uranus and Pluto have been activating your Libra Sun to the max for over a year, so change is in the air. This transit will peak in Jan.-Feb. of next year. Because your Sun rules your sector of home, there could indeed be a move at that time, or some other major change at home. But I’d think very carefully before you move in with your mother-in-law, as the Uranus-Pluto transit is all about standing up for yourself, and making choices based on your own needs and desires (which isn’t easy for someone with both the Sun and Venus in other-oriented Libra). From your chart, I can see that your husband is pretty opinionated and very much a man of action used to getting his way, so it may not feel natural to go against his wishes—but if you don’t hold to your own inner knowing on this, you’re likely to regret it.