Dear Luna, I’m trying to build my confidence and I’ve never had any. I might be the quietest most insecure Aries Sun you’ve ever met. I wonder how I can change that.
Dear Erika, I suspect your problem lies in your childhood, which, with Uranus conjunct Neptune in your fourth house, was no doubt full of upheaval, change or confusion. Transiting Pluto is activating that conjunction this year and next, urging you to transform that old pattern and reclaim your power – so get whatever support you need to make that happen. Your shy nature is also indicated by your Sun’s placement in the seventh house of significant others, making you over-sensitive to what others think of you or want from you. Also, your Mars is in gentle Pisces, so you need to learn to stand up for yourself and develop your creative gifts.
Yet all of this can and will transform, if you’re willing to push your boundaries a bit while transiting Uranus conjuncts your Sun from this June through next April. Uranus is the Great Awakener, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come out of your shell. This awakening is apt to come through a new friend, partner or group – so commit to getting out there more and engaging with people in new ways. That might mean taking a class or crusading for a cause you believe in. Transiting Venus will station retrograde exactly on your natal Aries Venus in early March, where it activates the Amazon Warrior in you – your fiery, creative and love nature – through mid-May. Thanks to this extraordinary combination of strong activations in your chart, you’re birthing a new, courageous aspect of yourself. Best of luck to you! Love, Luna (Simone Butler)