Dear Luna, How do I walk into my future in strength and leave my parents behind, without hurting them too much (particularly my mother where there is a lot of resentment and anger)? I don’t want to be held back by feelings of guilt and pity but my withdrawal is taken as cruel and cold. –Lilith
Dear Lilith, First of all, I don’t think it’s possible to completely leave your parents behind. They will always be an integral part of you, for better or for worse. However, you are certainly entitled to a full, rich life of your own without undue interference from them. With four planets in your fourth house of family, including your Virgo Sun, you have a strong tendency to feel responsible for your parents and let them control you overmuch. This is also shown by Saturn in Cancer conjunct your Ascendant. You feel responsible for others’ feelings and needs, and often put those needs ahead of your own. This is an old karmic pattern that is no longer serving you.
You recently experienced a Uranus cycle that brought out your rebellious side and made you ready to become much more independent. And now that stabilizing Saturn has moved into Sagittarius, where it makes a supportive aspect to your Mars in Libra most of 2015, you’re less likely to sit on the fence and more prone to take well-thought-out action to create a new future. The key is to take things slowly. Do whatever research or preparation is necessary between now and the fall, which is your power time.
There’s a solar eclipse on your birthday September 13—a major indication of a fresh start—followed by Saturn’s final sextile to your Mars in October. If there is decisive action that needs to be taken, that’s the time to do it. Meanwhile, follow through with your plans in a calm, steady fashion and don’t let yourself be swayed by any parental judgments or demands. Their reactions have nothing to do with you. Let them know how much you love and value them, and thank them for their support—no matter how they’re expressing it. Keep praying to the Great Goddess and asking for Her guidance in breaking free of old chains. Perform rituals at each New and Full Moon to sustain the strength and gain the insights you need. You can do this! Many blessings, Luna (Simone Butler)