Why do I keep having dreams where I cheat on my significant other? The dreams carry with me through the day and have impacted my life. I recently learned a lesson regarding intimacy, fidelity, and trust, though every time I have these dreams I feel I haven’t learned anything at all! Your guidance is welcomed.—Tara
I’m not surprised to hear that your dream life is heating up, as Uranus the Awakener has just entered your 12th house of dreams and the subconscious mind! You’ve also got Neptune, ruler of dreams, squaring your Mercury (conscious mind) in the seventh house of relationships through mid-January. This transit suggests that you’re unclear or undecided about this relationship or your role in it, and may be overlooking or denying what’s really going on. Not to say you should be cheating, but I would advise having a heart-to-heart talk with this person to make sure you’re on the same page with what you want and where you’re headed together.
The approaching October 8 lunar eclipse should shed light on things, although with your ruling planet Mercury in retrograde (you have Gemini Rising) most of the month, you may not feel ready to take action on whatever is revealed just yet. By the end of the year, commitment-oriented Saturn enters your seventh house for a couple of years–a time in which you’re bound to have a serious relationship. In the meantime, dialog not only with your partner but also with your dreams–they’re obviously trying to tell you something. As Saturn passes over your Sun and Pluto in Scorpio this month on its way to your seventh house, the lessons around fidelity, intimacy and trust are likely to continue. This is a significant time of gaining greater maturity which is necessary before you’re ready to make a deeper commitment.