Cancer is the Moon’s favorite sign. The Cancer region of the body revolves around our center: our chest, our breasts, and held feelings in our belly. Cancerian energy is known to be empathic, sensitive, nurturing, and also to hold on to memories and sensations. With the Full Moon in Cancer always falling somewhat close to holiday celebrations, family gatherings, and the start of a new calendar year, it’s a powerful moment to truly honor all that was felt this year and reflect on how we can move it through the body now.
This is why for this Moon time, I’m suggesting any upright shape (standing or sitting) that can help you connect to your CENTER.
Recently I was in one of my favorite places (you see it in my photo). It was the perfect spot for our Full Moon pose: an active high lunge while holding the solar plexus center. Try this shape. I suggest taking it somewhere outside. You may want to innovate and find your own centering posture. Bundle up if it’s cold.
Find your grounded seat or your strong stance and place your hands to your center. Start moving your breath through your belly, chest, and ribs all at once. Notice any stuck or congested places.
Imagine the warmth of the Sun entering your body and spiraling through your body in every direction. Take 4-8 breaths with that visualization.
Then imagine the softer glow of Moonlight entering from your center and visualize the ocean spiraling out in all directions through your body to wash through all of the stuck feelings. Finally, bring the warm Sunlight back in and welcome the expansion that can come after breathing with, acknowledging, releasing, and then reflecting on our feelings.
May you all find some moments to nurture yourself in a gentle way and honor your own lunar nature to be a deep feeling human being.
Luci says