Every year around this time, I tell myself I’m going to do less and enjoy it more. That I won’t let the pressures of the season build up until I become overwhelmed. Yet each year the combination of a lot more socializing and an extra-busy work schedule becomes too much, and exhaustion ensues.
How about you? Has the too-muchness gotten to you yet? This year we have an extra-intense holiday season, thanks to the upcoming New Moon/solar eclipse conjunct Jupiter – which makes everything bigger. Add the almost-exact conjunction of heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, and the pressure is on. Pressure to have fun, to spend money, to solve problems that have been plaguing you, or to simply know where you might be headed next.
The upcoming Capricorn New Moon (December 25, 9:13 pm PST) is an annular solar eclipse. This is similar to a total solar eclipse, but instead of the Moon completely blocking the Sun, a ring of fire is visible around the edges. Personally and collectively, we can look at this as an omen, helping us to burn away and alchemize the past so that something new can arise.
It could be an emotional Christmas (or whatever holiday you might be celebrating). When the Moon eclipses the Sun, emotions and instincts take precedence over logic and reason. Truth-teller Jupiter is magnifying our real needs so we can address them. Feelings that have been buried for years, even decades, may arise. Jupiter’s influence can also magnify the joy of the season, but if you’re feeling tired or grouchy, consider that it may have its roots in long-ago feelings lurking beneath the surface of awareness.
An eclipse in Capricorn, sign of tradition and ancestral patterns, can help free you from the past. And, since it trines escape artist Uranus, this New Moon is keen to loosen the bonds to whatever has enslaved you. Be aware, however, that the energies getting triggered around this eclipse continue building to some kind of climax or resolution at the fateful lunar eclipse of January 10 – which falls just two days prior to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. To find out what this might mean for you, order April Elliott Kent’s super-insightful eclipse report, Followed by a Moonshadow.
In my last essay, I talked about naming the “elephant in the room.” Now I’m recommending that you honor this powerful energy by creating an altar to Ganesha. In India, Jupiter is Ganesha – the elephant-headed god who brings blessings by helping us overcome obstacles. And since this eclipse is conjunct Lord Jupiter, it’s a great time to propitiate him. Get a statue of the elephant god, or print out a picture of him from Google Images. You can also include Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth and pleasure, as the two are connected in Hindu lore. Bedeck your altar with flowers, crystals, candles (purple is ideal) or anything else that symbolizes good fortune to you.
Thursday is a good day to invoke Ganesha, as it’s ruled by Jupiter. And, Thursday the 26th happens to be right in between the solar eclipse and the exact Sun-Jupiter conjunction on Friday. I’ll be starting my propitiation on Thursday, but anytime from the 25th to the 27th would be great. Light a candle to Ganesha and focus on his image. Imagine your head transforming into an elephant head, to help you function with his wisdom and love. Ask Ganesha for blessings of any kind. Chant his mantra, Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha, for as long as it takes to feel his presence. Then give thanks, blow out the candle and notice how you feel. You can do this each morning throughout the eclipse cycle, to keep your spirits up and clear the path ahead. You may get such great results that you want to keep doing it. Wishing you the blessings of Ganesha for a healthy, happy eclipse season!
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