It’s crazy out there. If recent weeks have unmoored you, the Pisces Full Moon is an ideal time to visit the invisible world and support yourself with the grace, compassion, and empathy of the goddesses of the Divine Feminine. This is a simple ritual, but it will call in powerful assistance. You’ll need six candles and a nurturing space where you won’t be interrupted. The candles can be small, tall, colored or plain, whatever suits you on this night. The goddesses will not judge or find you lacking.
On the night of the Full Moon (or a day later, if you’re unavailable), gather your unlit candles, on plates or anchored in their candle holders, and arrange them in circle. Designate one each for Venus, Vesta, Juno, Pallas Athene, and Ceres. Circles are dynamic spiritual forms that protect from negative influences as they call in powerful allies. Wordlessly, let your eyes take in your circle of candles. The round shape symbolizes what is energetically gathering now in the space around you, a circle of protection and potency. Again, wordlessly, tune in. When you feel safely centered and surrounded, in the center of your circle, place your candle for the Moon.
Now you’re ready to enter the heart of the ritual. The action is simple. You’ll light each candle. But as you do this, let yourself connect in some way with the powers of each goddess.
As you kindle a light for Venus, in your heart, celebrate the potent radiance of beauty. Feel something. All ritual comes to life in the alchemy of your heart. It doesn’t need the mind’s explanation or direction. Feel into the Venusian power of beauty to touch and transform. Recall a time in nature, or the beauty of a loved one’s face or gestures. Consider how you too, like the flowers in the field or the soaring birds in the sky, are an expression of the loveliness of Venus.
As you kindle a light for Vesta, tune into the qualities of spiritual protection and safe haven. Imagine that the flame evokes the sacred fire tended by priestesses long ago. Vesta presides over the hearth, the fire maintained in the center of the home by housewives and mothers everywhere across time. As you meditate on Vesta, ask for her protection within your home, bringing into her embrace all those who fall under your protection as well.
As you kindle a light for Juno, evoke the quality of the feminine in equal partnership. Meditate on the long historical journey of woman as “the wife,” and how her role within the institution of marriage has evolved over time. Contemplate those sacred duties of being partnered: the devotion, commitment, and faithful integrity within a dyad of love.
As you kindle a light for Pallas Athene, evoke the qualities of wisdom and insight. Go to the place within you where resides a strong and steady feminine “knowing.” Feel guided by the hand of Athene’s clear-sighted knowledge and intellect as you contemplate the problems you face in your everyday life. Ask for her guidance. You may see an owl or a diamond clear light.
As you kindle a light for Ceres, evoke the quality of nurture. Ceres holds the vibration of the Great Mother. Confident in the fullness of life, Ceres is the positive mother who fulfills our every need-both spiritual and physical. Her lap is wide; her smile is joyful; her hands are strong, busy, and capable. Imagine your own hungry soul nurtured by her love.
Before you light the center candle, notice. Does one or more of the candles seem to call your attention more loudly than others? This is a signal, identifying the goddess (or goddesses) most willing and able to assist you now. That’s the beauty of this ritual. You’re opening an important line of communication. Trust this. If you have a specific question, ask it, without expecting an immediate answer. Let your question linger in the air as you observe the goddess’ light dancing above the candle.
Finally, kindle a light for the Moon. She is feminine radiance in all its fullness, before it’s separated into goddesses with different qualities and powers. Pay tribute. Dance, sing, or pray in celebration for the fullness of the Divine Feminine and its re-emergence in our time. Imagine that your sacred space is awash in the light of her pearl beauty. When you feel complete, bow to the many faces of the Goddess.
Enjoy imagination and support with Dana’s monthly Moon workshop and Mooncircles’ fabulous astrology reports. If these times are especially crazy for you, check out your transits and progressions in the wonderful Skylog report. Got a birthday coming up? Be sure to order your Solar Return!
Robin King says
???? I love this ritual and I want to share it at my labyrinth walk tonight, but i’m Not clear about 7 candles. is there infor missing about Pallas or is Pallas Athena one goddess, that’s only 6 candles …. I am hoping you will be able help me clarify this . If not goddess will assist. Much love for your beautiful work!
linda parker says
I love this,can’t wait to do! Thank You so much. I love your site,always what is needed
at the right time. Blessings, Linda
Kathleen Botsford says
this is beautiful. miss you!