Melting Heart pose is perfect for a New Moon in Gemini. New Moons are exquisite times to rest and surrender into a more yin-like space, to pause and look inward, and to plant good wishes/goals/intentions for your body, spirit, and behavior in the 28 days ahead.
The power for healing at this New Moon comes from the concentration of the Sun and Moon in Gemini. Let this draw your attention to the lungs, shoulders, arms, and hands. Become gently aware of both sides of your body and your breath, all of which are integral to this pose.
Find a comfortable and supportive place to come to your hands and knees. While keeping your hips over your knees, drop down to your elbows and start to lower your head towards the ground.
You might need to shift your knees wider or tilt your pelvis in such a way to stay comfortable there.
Then try reaching your arms out further in front of you while simultaneously “melting” your chest and ribs down.
You might find all your finger pads connecting to the ground while lifting your wrists and elbows up so that you find a steady sensation of stretch for the arms and shoulders.
Allow your belly to stay soft and your breath to fill your torso and lungs to capacity before welcoming the long exhales for release.
Try to stay for 5 breaths, or even up to a minute or more.
Welcome yourself into the new Gemini cycle. Let go of the past. A new season is beginning soon.
Wendy Botel says
Thank you ! I am enjoying this website!
Where are you located ?
Dana Gerhardt says
We’re glad you’re here, Wendy! We’re located all over … southern Oregon, southern California, and in the east.
Dawn says
Glad to have a found this Yoga pose!
Ellen McPherson says
Cycling with Jennie for the past year and a half I have discovered following the moon cycle is comforting and a source of energy for me to incorporate in my daily life. Awareness of the world around me increases my ability to face what life puts before me. Kindness and compassion with gentle movement is LUNAR LOVE FLOW.