Of all the quirky, beautiful items I inherited from my dad, this Alberto Vargas print of Scheherazade is my favorite. The legendary storyteller has a place of honor opposite my desk, where she inspires me as I write.
So I was recently thrilled to discover a gorgeous film from 2000 based on her story. In this movingly told tale of the Arabian Nights, clever Scheherazade marries a vengeful sultan who’s bent on destroying her, and spins mesmerizing tales that lift him out of darkness to love again. The accomplished young woman, who had loved the sultan since they were children, not only saved her own life with storytelling, but healed the sultan’s hardened heart and inspired him to become the wise ruler he was born to be. Theirs was truly a star-crossed love.
Stories can heal and nourish our souls. Aren’t there books and movies you return to again and again when you need a dose of their special medicine? I have a whole collection of them.
Whatever medicine you need right now, you’re apt to find it at the Gemini New Moon (Sat. June 4, 8 pm PDT). The Sun and Moon in clever Gemini join lovely Venus, bringing healing balm and inspiration as they launch a new nine-month cycle (until the next Sun-Venus conjunction) for love and creativity. Because Venus is an evening star at this time, the new cycle is deep and introspective, rich with symbolic meaning and a hint of danger.
Those with planets at mid-degrees of Gemini will be particularly impacted by this New Moon. For all of us, though, creativity and love will be at the forefront, for better or for worse. Since the Sun and Venus oppose Saturn and square Neptune, there is a star-crossed quality to this New Moon. Though magic is definitely afoot, make sure that any big decisions are well thought-out, and that you’re prepared to take on new responsibilities and work through obstacles. Mars is still retrograde through the end of June, so forward motion may not be favored quite yet in whichever house Mars is transiting for you. Be like Scheherazade and keep spinning the tale, steering it in the direction of the highest, best outcome for all concerned.
If you need help charting your course, here’s a Gemini New Moon ritual from my book, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life. You’ll also discover how to activate your Knowledge gua for inspiration and clarity.
Simone Butler says
It’s still there! Just moved it. http://astroalchemy.com/booksvideos/
Laura Fellows says
I miss your feng shui video on your site!
Simone Butler says
I’m so glad my words reminded you of your dad, Faelind. They may be gone, but they’re still with us. 🙂
Faelind says
Love your personal touches to your postings, Simone. Thank you. Made me think of my dad and some favorite memories when you mention yours.