Astrologers do talk. And we noticed during the weeks of Venus retrograde (October 8 to November 18) that many of you were possessed by a certain Venus madness: An urgency to strike against your bad relationships with fierce precision. Or a lonely wringing-of-hands, unable to tolerate a lack of love. For some this retrograde brought profound forgiveness and healings. Others got motivated. “I need more money! More beauty! More free time! More passion!” During her retrogrades, Venus often names what’s missing from your life–the shiny thing that would make your days happy and more fun. This need is a precious souvenir from Her journey through the underworld. What should you do with it? You have options. You can throw it in a drawer, and by the time Her post-retrograde shadow ends (December 20), you will be back into the familiar stream of your life, having forgotten what all the fuss was about. Or you can write about it, make treasure maps and post them on your wall. You can give your desire to the receptive Mother in your Moon. She’ll pull your cranky Venus child onto her lap, soothe her, and suggest something wise to do next. When Venus and the Moon agree to pursue the same desires, your creativity, confidence, and power to attract what you want increases. That’s the secret of their monthly conjunction. The next one arrives on December 31.
Venus rules diplomacy and Scorpio rules secrets. In the shadow of Her retrograde, we’ve seen some of her feisty mischief, in the WikiLeaks release of sensitive diplomatic documents, much of it gossip about world leaders. Also in the shadow of Her retrograde, she sent us a frank and unashamed sexual message through her emissary, Eve Ensler, urging nothing less than a revolution in the treatment of the vagina. Sensitive to power and intimacy, Venus in Scorpio has her priorities!
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