I’m still recovering from my WONDERFUL trip to Oxford! Given jet lag and the mountain of work that was waiting for me, I’m happy to have guest blogger Portia step in for me with this post. Portia is an unusually gifted poet who saw light beings as a child and now, at 26, collaborates with various goddesses when she writes. Her poem for the Virgo New Moon is “The Promise” and the goddess who helped her compose it is Astraea, the Star Maiden, daughter of Zeus and Themis. Before reading Portia’s and Astraea’s poem, you might enjoy hearing more about Portia’s process, in her own words:
“My way of reaching various goddesses is to first speak to my personal goddess, who resides within. She is the one who reaches out and serves as a channel when I am communicating with the other goddesses. In other words, I must be willing to become a goddess myself or else their essence and messages cannot come through me. Before beginning a poem, I ask the relevant goddess to come forward. If I do not recognize her energetic signature, I go online and search among random lists of goddess names. She guides me to the right name. I then look at her information and she will point out to me keywords. From these words, I get an idea of the poem’s tone and setting. I spend some time holding these words in my mind and contemplating them. As I do this, the atmosphere builds up and my connection to the goddess increases until, finally, I am ready to write. She dictates to me her message and then I refine it into a poem that satisfies us both. That is how we write it together. “
The Promise
Dream weavers,
Masters of your creation dreams:
I am the star maiden of hope.
Beyond the sun and the moon,
Both of whom shine under your attentive gaze,
Lie twinkling messengers, the stars.
Theirs is the promise of an approaching harvest –
It is the coming of a golden age.
Remember, your destinies
Are woven by your own intricate design.
Notice me, for I am the final detail in
Completion of Your Mastery.
Lady Astraea & Portia
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