Since my last post, I’ve gotten requests for more tips on meeting Saturn in Scorpio. Some people were nervous. That’s understandable. A Dark Lord has just entered a Dark Sign. If reading that sentence inspired a shiver of fear, you already have your first Saturn task. Notice what you’re afraid of. Then move toward it. Look into it. But don’t run away. It’s time to get comfortable with your own Underworld.
“I’m an emotional wreck!” a friend recently confided. For many, what’s immediately apparent about Saturn entering Scorpio is the intense feelings he’s provoking. If in the past month you’ve found yourself unusually emotional, it could be Saturn who’s pushing your buttons. In Scorpio’s robes, he’s particularly interested in these forbidden topics: sex, death, taxes, other people’s money, intimacy, power, and secrets. If you have secrets, Saturn in Scorpio could finally expose them, something Lance Armstrong found out, also the man “outed” last week on Gawker, a once-anonymous blogger fond of posting inappropriate pictures of underage girls. Saturn justice.
Each of our Underworlds is unique. That’s why it’s not easy, certainly not as juicy, to discuss Saturn-in-Scorpio with generalities. For each of us, the Taskmaster’s lesson will be different, yet tailor-made. Saturn can identify our most vulnerable spots with pinpoint precision. This sounds more dramatic than it needs to be. Wherever you’ve traveled this life, your Underworld has always gone with you. It’s a familiar scary place. Yet now with Saturn’s help, you could actually clean it up.
Scorpio rules healing and transformation. That’s the destination point of Saturn’s journey through this sign. Over the next two and a half years, if you’re aware and willing to step through the doorways of your own emotions, whatever the details of the provoking trials, you’ll find yourself with an opportunity to grow in just the way you need. Scorpio’s promise is that during Saturn’s transit we can mature, becoming more integrated, more powerful, and more intimate with our own lives.
In most myths, you need a guide to visit the Underworld. A good friend, a therapist, a psychic, or astrologer can serve as such. If like me, you often find your guides in books, I can highly recommend the following two. They’re perfect allies for this transit. Karla McLaren’s book on emotional intelligence is quite simply, amazing.
If boundaries are your issue (a good Saturn-in-Scorpio theme), Caitlin Matthews’ book on psychic protection is superb.
And if you work hard, you won’t even need good luck. (That’s Jupiter’s business anyway.)
Rosie says
Thank you, Dana, I always enjoy your blogs.
Dana says
You’re welcome. Glad to have you visiting the site!