I’m dancing as fast as I can. In fact I tripped and slammed into the stone steps leading up to my house the other day, surprised I didn’t shatter my knee. I’m feeling fragile, over-stretched, and under-prepared these days. Most everyone I meet feels the same way—as though we’re already caught in the undertow of the coming eclipses and that big cardinal square between Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. The instability of the times is palpable. Even so, I’d like to wring a little good luck out of the first of these aspects, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction at 0 Aries, exact on June 8.
Jupiter and Uranus are an inspiring pair. Together they bring brilliance and breakthroughs. Their conjunctions, occurring every fourteen years, coincide with discoveries, great forward leaps, as well as challenge and unrest. This year’s conjunction is particularly significant as 0 Aries is the most sensitive degree in the world’s chart. Jupiter/Uranus last conjoined at 0 Libra (the degree opposite 0 Aries) in the summer of 1969. It was the summer of Woodstock, the Moon landing, anti-war protests, the Manson murders, and the Beatles’ break-up. For most alive at that time, these events are still felt quite personally (an example of the Aries point activation). Woodstock was the ultimate Jupiter/Uranus-in-Libra peace party, but this year the conjunction occurs in Aries, the sign of war. This year’s protestors will likely be more militant, angry, and conservative. Uranus was last in Aries during the rise of fascism in the early thirties.
We don’t have much control over world events, but still, we can work individually with these energies in the highest, most positive way. Find the house in your chart where 0 Aries falls. Do you need a breakthrough here? Now is the time to ask! Before the June 8 conjunction, spend a little time each day tuning into the archetypes of Jupiter and Uranus. Don’t worry whether you’re doing it right. Just tune into their sensations of growth, excitement, and discovery. If you have a problem to solve in this area of life, ask for their help. If you have gifts to offer the world, ask the planetary devas to bring you a significant opportunity. If you want to help the Gulf out of its disastrous oil spill, send your thoughts their way. Or simply get quiet and listen. Jupiter and Uranus may have an important message for you. I’ll be listening, while my feet keep dancing and skittering and probably stumbling.
Go to http://www.astro.com. You can calculate your chart there and they do have free reports to get you started!
How do I figure out my houses? Is that what is in a natal chart? How do I figure out my natal chart? I am a newbie to this 🙂
0 Aries is in my 4th house, and what a ride that house has already had with my moon at 28 Pisces! Interstingly, I was just reading Dana’s wonderful exploration of the 4th house on Astrodienst, and so I feel like I have a wealth of images/information to meditate on as I work it all out. My natal sun is at 0 degrees of Cancer, too, so I am trying to do nothing but hold space open for whatever comes my way.
I didn’t know where O degrees Aries was in my chart but I went and looked it up…12house not too far from the 1st. I’ve felt a low rumble and was introduced to a faery realm guided meditation last night. New allies perhaps?
0` Aries falls in the middle of my 12th House. I haven`t been this dispondent for quite a while…I will study the archetypes of Jupiter and Uranus…have to do something…Your workshops, articles have always been a source of help.
My 12th house cusp is between 0 and 1 degrees Aries. This could be interesting!
I have my Sun and North Node at 0 Aries in my 8th House (Sun ruling my Leo Ascendant) opposite a natal Jupiter/Uranus conjunction at 1 and 2 Libra. Oddly enough, I’m not feeling anything percolating yet! I keep thinking I should, but … nope.
Guess we’ll see what surprises Uranus has in store!
I have 0 Aries in my fourth house so I will be doing some listening and paying attention. As always, appreciate your posts!