Who would have imagined that an eccentric tech billionaire would partner up with a Caribbean island to rebuild its electrical grid after a deadly hurricane? Yet that’s exactly what seems to be happening, after Tesla chief Elon Musk recently reached out to Puerto Rico’s governor Ricardo Rossello offering to transform the American territory’s grid using solar panels and lithium ion batteries. He has already dispatched hundreds of Powerwall rechargeable batteries to provide electricity for those who desperately need it.
Tesla has freed smaller islands such as Kauai, Hawaii, from dependence on imported fossil fuels. Though Puerto Rico has 3.4 million people, far more than Kauai’s 70,000, Musk sees no limit on scalability – or location. “The vast majority of the world is still fossil fuel power,” Musk said last month at an event marking the start of construction on his giant battery farm in South Australia. “This is really just the beginning, but I think this is a good example to the rest of the world of what can be done.”
It could be argued that Musk is merely seeking to boost his business – and his name. Yet his service-oriented Virgo Moon closely conjoins Puerto Rico’s Moon. (Elon Musk was born 6-28-71, time unknown, in Pretoria, South Africa. Puerto Rico was proclaimed a U.S. Commonwealth on 7-25-52 at 1:36 p.m. in San Juan.) He undoubtedly feels a genuine call to use his tech prowess to help that country. The timing of events is also interesting. The ongoing shock waves of this summer’s life-changing total solar eclipse in Leo literally blew Puerto Rico, with its multiple Leo planets, out of the water. And now we’re approaching a powerful New Moon in Libra opposing revolutionary Uranus in Aries. Out of the wreckage, something new is being born.
For those of us who are open to it, the Libra New Moon (Thu. Oct. 19 at 12:12 p.m. PDT) can propel us beyond business as usual into innovative new territory. The way forward will be found by teaming up with unlikely, unusual or brilliant folks who can help us disrupt our habitual patterns and start anew. If you’re being held back by associations that no longer serve you, this New Moon can help you break free. It may also bring visions of where you’re headed or fresh perspectives on your current situation.
Giant Jupiter just entered Scorpio, sign of wealth, resources and transformation – both physical and psychological. And, Jupiter joins penetrating Mercury in Scorpio near the New Moon, offering startling insights. Jupiter’s change of sign should benefit those with strong Scorpio placements, or at least bring new opportunities to whatever house of your chart it’s transiting. Think back to the period from Nov. 2005 to Nov. 2006 (the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio) and recall what was happening then. It may have been intense and uncomfortable at times, but a stronger you was born. Scorpio rewards the willingness to face your shadows and unconscious patterns. Jupiter is like a searchlight, uncovering fears yet providing the faith and fortitude to overcome them. May we all have the courage to step into the great unknown – and the support and resources to perform extraordinary deeds!
would like a consult. I live in the san diego area. my Bday is 10 19:))
Wonderful! Thanks.
With my Venus in Libra and my Mars in Scorpio… I can already feel the shift away from the BS!! I am ready for a BIG change!
It’s definitely time to embrace change, Brenda!
Thank you so much for this informative article. It has touched me to the core of my being. I had fallen into despair and now I I feel there are people who are able and willing to help those who need it and that falling into despair helps no one.
Bless you, Pat!