Sagittarius is a “mutable” sign–which means it’s the one that throws the most changes at us. Whenever the Sun transits a mutable sign, the weather can become capricious and surprising. One day it’s autumn, the next day we’re in the heart of winter, then it’s autumn again. This makes coat and sweater strategies difficult!
At the mutable New Moon, Nature is speaking to us with her dance. She says we need to likewise become more versatile and changeable. Stay awake to the weather. Stay awake to your own shifting needs. This is the way to avoid change-of-season illnesses. With nimble, but perhaps slowing, feet, start resonating with the season’s new tempo and tune. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this likely means slowing down, getting quiet, and coming to essence.
Mutable New Moons aren’t the best cycles for initiating something new. That’s better saved for a “cardinal” New Moon–which arrives next month (December 28/29 ) with Capricorn. Winter Solstice arrives sooner. The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21.
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