Slow-rolling Pluto goes like a great wave through the global sea, transforming the power dynamics in whatever sign he touches. Pluto defines generations. He alters history. And when he returns to his natal position (an event occurring every 250 years or so), he incites tremendous upheaval and change. It’s this transit that best articulates the scary ledge on which the US is poised, just days before what many say is the most significant election in our 248-year history. Since January 2021, the US has been in the throes of its very first Pluto return.*
Astrologers generally agree the USA was born with the Declaration of Independence, on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, PA. The actual time of the signing is up for debate, but 5:10 pm, giving a Sagittarius Ascendant, is a chart that many like. In it, Pluto is at 27 Capricorn, where transiting Pluto has been within a 2.5 degree orb for over three years. The planet of death and rebirth, Pluto takes us to extremes. He likes to tear it all down, so that something new can arise. The sign he’s transiting through suggests important clues. Capricorn concerns are governments, leaders, institutions, and traditions. Thanks to Pluto, today, so much that we thought we knew about America’s government, leaders, institutions and traditions has been overturned–so much so, that nearly half the country seems willing to trade our democracy for a dictatorship.
On November 19, Pluto exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius, where he’ll remain until March 2043. Through Aquarius we design our social contracts. We define the collective; we decide who’s in and who’s out. Yet the darned thing about astrology signs is that they include both light and shadow. Aquarius rules both democracy and dictatorships, exactly the poles between which we swing. One end favors social freedom and inclusiveness, the other rules by exclusion and tight social control. Which way will it end? We’ll soon know how the people want to use their free will.
The options: we can swing high or swing low
“A Pluto Return doesn’t necessarily portend the demise of a nation, although it does always seem to involve considerable upheaval,” says astrologer Ray Grasse, in his brilliant and comprehensive article on Two examples he shares can help us understand this transit’s possibilities, the best and the worst.
By its second Pluto return (461-468 CE), Rome had already suffered a costly string of military losses. Its central political control had splintered, while the barbarians who would eventually overtake the Empire grew in strength. Pluto destroys what’s weak to make room for something more appropriate to the reality of the times. In other words, if a nation isn’t strong enough to transform during its Pluto Return, perhaps it should die. Shortly after its second Pluto return, Rome collapsed.
Yet during its second Pluto return (1555-1562), England entered a Golden Age. Queen Elizabeth came to power. She renewed a bankrupt economy and brought the nation into the era of global exploration. Pluto’s return coincided with the peak of the English Renaissance, with its flowering of music, poetry, and art, paving the way for literary giants like Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Spenser. Of course even golden periods have their shadow. This was also when the slave trade began.
It’s the economy, stupid!
In the US horoscope, Pluto is in the 2nd house of money, values and resources. Money, in particular, paying taxes to the British, was the incendiary issue of the colonies’ war for independence. And money is no less important today. “It’s the economy, stupid!” Clinton political strategist, James Carville, famously said in 1992. Yet pretty much every election over the past 100 years has seen “the economy” become a top issue. Pluto’s house in a chart indicates what we obsess about, and Americans care deeply about their money.
So where does the US find itself financially this year? Recently, the International Monetary Fund reported that the US economy continues to lead the world, besting all other wealthy nations in economic growth. Top indicators of prosperity (wages, productivity, and investments) are all up. The stock market has been reaching historic highs; investments in infrastructure and green energy have been major catalysts. The Economist recently proclaimed the American economy “the envy of the world.”
Yet, here at home we still complain. Pluto has a way of polarizing people wherever he appears. The candidates offer two starkly different visions of America’s economic future. One focuses on tax breaks for billionaires and tariffs on consumers; the other hopes to support the middle class, with plans to give small businesses, new parents and first-time homeowners a break, while holding price-gouging corporations accountable. True to Pluto, either choice will be transformative.
The 2nd is also the house of values. And this is how democracy got on the ballot. What do we stand for? America is renewing her vision of power–who gets it and who doesn’t. Do we value freedom, for example, a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body? Or do we think politicians should decide this from now on? Do we value respectful political discourse? Or do we value bullying and violence? Do we value a free press? Do we value the right to protest? All of this is on the ballot.
And do we value our environment? The 2nd house includes our use of resources. Pluto’s transit underscores one of the top perils of our time–the unraveling of the fragile resources of this planet. One side still calls climate change a hoax, the other hopes to turn us back from the brink, saving Earth for future generations. Pluto says–live or die—it’s on you.
America sings a new song
I don’t know if Beyonce had the US Pluto return in mind when she said the following in a recent speech, but whichever side you’re on, the sentiment fits this moment perfectly:
“It’s time to sing a new song. A song that began 248 years ago. The old notes of downfall, discord, despair no longer resonate. Our generations of loved ones before us are whispering a prophecy, a quest, a calling, an anthem. Our moment is right now. It’s time for America to sing a new song. Our voices sing a song of unity. They sing a song of dignity and opportunity. Are y’all ready to add your voice to the new American song? Because I am.
The Sabian Symbol for America’s Pluto isn’t particularly comforting: ” A large aviary.” That’s a big cage filled with birds going nowhere. A cacophony of noise. Or perhaps, it’s a gathering that will refine itself into a powerful new song. With the November 5 election, the US is deciding who it will be. It is choosing its future. And you’re a major player in this drama. So keep your eyes and ears open. Voice your truth, work for your values, and take nothing for granted. Vote.
* Tropical astrologers date 2022 as the year the Pluto return was exact; for sidereal astrologers, it’s 2024
It’s not as a dramatic as a Pluto return–but every year you get something called a “solar return,” a chart calculated (for your current location) at the precise time when the Sun returns to its natal degree in your chart, Especially if you’re within three months of your birthday–before of after–this is an excellent time to contemplate your story for the coming year. Explore your SR chart through the eyes of an expert–Mary Shea. You can order her illuminating report here.
Andrew Lloyd says
Interesting to read about the Elizabethan age and the flowering of drama, music and art. Even then though there were pressures to shut theatres and so on.
Donna says
Dana, Thanks for sharing this important message. I didn’t get to read it until post-election, and I feel it is telling about the choice that many people made on Election Day. I am a seeker of the higher purpose, and will watch and wait for signs as to why this outcome happened. It may not come for a while, but it gives me hope that not all is lost, and that there is a reason or reasons for what just happened. I appreciate your honesty and your articles ever since I discovered your writing in The Mountain Astrologer – another ending during this time of Pluto in Capricorn. With Blessings, Donna
Dana Gerhardt says
Thanks Donna, your message is a bright spot in an otherwise mind-bobbling day/
Susan says
Personally, I’m in favor of a “secure,” enter-ONLY- “legally” border; peace through strength (not wars); a return to safe cities where police are generously “funded” and criminals are prosecuted instead of victims being persecuted; no males in female sports; no gender indoctrination or mutilation of confused, young children; a strong “leader” as opposed to an inarticulate-speaks-fruit-salad-“annointed,” who received not “one vote;” a-n-d it is indeed “the economy stupid!” As a struggling senior in a sanctuary state, it is infuriating to “know” illegal invaders are making more monthly on gift cards than I on life-long “earned” Social Security. My late father was a decorated WWII veteran, who is “up top” appalled at the giving away more of our freedoms, and beloved Country and her foundational morals and values day-by-day! A proud, patriotic, America “FIRST” (educated), member of the “deplorable, irredeemable, etc. garbage!” (As to abortion–concious, critically thinking women are more than “single issue” voters.)
P.S. Had to reply this time, Dana, as not the first wherein you opine political views which I personally find inappropriate and unappreciated on this platform. Astrology only, please. (Love that about April. Keeps her political views and preferences to herself).
Dana Gerhardt says
Thanks for sharing, Susan! We live in a big melting pot with a great diversity of views. You’re welcome here, but yes, occasionally you will hear perspectives which are different from your own. I’m glad you like April’s work. I love her too.
Elena says
Very interesting and appears to be spot on from my non-US perspective. I hope the transformation is a positive one. Personally I’m looking forward to Pluto moving away from 27’ Capricorn because that’s the degree of my Ascendant. It’s not fun to have Pluto dancing on your ascendant, even if it is character building. I’ve had to contend with a power tripping boss for the past few years and I’m finally at the point where taking some calculated action makes sense. I’m looking forward to putting her behind me. I don’t live in the US, nor do I travel there regularly but I do wonder if I should stay away from the place given my ascendant!
Dana Gerhardt says
I’ve watched many Cap rising clients go through the ringer with this one, but in the end, and I hear it in your post, the result is always a strengthening of self, of personal empowerment. It sounds like your boss was Pluto’s agent to remind you of your own power. Congratulations! As for living on a Pluto line… if you don’t have to, go for something more peaceful. A Venus line sounds nice!