The time of darkness is at hand. Now past Samhain the days are shortening and the flow of life is slowing with the approach of winter. The Moon is also dark, no longer reflecting the brilliance of the radiant light. So we are called within to confront and embrace our inner darkness. The Dark Goddess is the cauldron of life unmanifest, she is that from which all forms emerge. Yet she is not the mother, she is the virgin, the untouched root matter of all creation. The Divine Water ever flowing beneath the surface of the manifest world. She is that which comes before form. In the Tarot, she is represented by the High Priestess.
The New Moon is not a time of illumination, which is still to come. Rather it is a time of going deep within perhaps deeper than we are comfortable going. It’s a time of embracing the darkness within and surrendering to it. In that surrender comes the gift of limitless potential because the darkness of the New Moon represents the limitless potential of the unknown where all things are possible. Here there is limitless power, limitless abundance and limitless love, in other words life.
However to fully partake in this limitless aspect of life requires surrender of control and trust in the Dark Goddess. We must trust her to guide us into the depths so that we can reclaim our power, which we have buried there in days past. We must trust her to show us her true nature which is also our own. The Scorpionic energy of this New Moon further calls us to acknowledge the truths that we have been too afraid, unaware or unwilling to acknowledge so we can bring them to the surface and reintegrate them. In so doing they cease to be obstacles to our forward movement and instead support it.
This New Moon occurs in a period of some intense aspects and energy. Saturn recently entered Scorpio and we have a Solar Eclipse on this New Moon. The Sun/Moon conjunction is also conjunct the North Node in Scorpio. The North Node points in the direction of our evolutionary growth so this is a good time on our inward journey to review our direction and anything that impedes it. The Dark Goddess calls us to do a deep cleaning of our psyches. As 2012 draws to a close and the vibration of the collective field continues to increase we are under more and more pressure to clear away the old patterns which no longer serve us. Our resistance to facing these old patterns creates the painful situations many of us are dealing with at this time.
Darkness both on an external level but particularly our inner darkness has been much maligned and feared in the collective consciousness. This fear is based on not wanting to face our inner pain and of the sheer vastness and power of the unknown, which is represented by darkness. If we are to truly go inward in surrender we must confront and transmute our fear and the loving presence of the Divine Feminine can help us with this. Calling upon the presence of the Goddess as we do our inner work provides a grounding as well as a connection to unconditional love which is the very force that transmutes fear into growth and power.
When we are able to go fully and deeply into the darkness face our fear and surrender ourselves there, we can plant the seeds of new beginnings, new creations. The gift of the Dark Goddess is freedom, freedom from our limitations and freedom to create fresh forms, which fully resonate with where we are in the present moment. As we begin to move out of the darkness and into a new cycle we can be confident that the new seeds planted deep within the Lady’s womb will ripen unhindered and blossom into our hearts desire.
© 2012 Colin Bondi
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