I’m not complaining; however, it should be noted: If you’ve opened yourself to Uranus and Jupiter at their glorious conjunction, expect to be buzzing with energy. Energy is fun. We like energy. We load up on coffee and buy energy drinks. But too much and we get jittery, perhaps a little manic and ungrounded. The same is true of drawing the energetic pulses of Jupiter and Uranus into human form. Their thunderbolts are electrical and creative, the kind of energy that raises mountains and builds cities. If you’re an energy sensitive (and most of us are these days), you may be blowing out light bulbs, computer boards, iPods, and iPhones. You may be tapping your foot incessantly or wide awake at three am. The muscles where you typically hold tension may be tight. You might feel extra touchy and easily unnerved.
The Sky Gods weren’t known for their peace and calm. Their bold yang energy is best used for creative projects, so hopefully you’ve got work that engages and excites you. But in the meantime, pay attention. Observe your new level of electrical energy and try to integrate it more smoothly into your system. Focus the energy into your central channel, which is designed to carry this current. Grounding exercises are also good. Send the energy out through the soles of your feet and deep into the earth, past the little creatures in the soil, past the bones of your ancestors, through the underground rivers, into the heart and core of Gaia. Breathe up her gratitude, and send it out through the top of your head, into the stars, and beyond. Continue this for a few rounds. Also, tune into the root chakra at the base of your spine; energy may have collected there. Get it flowing. Physical exercise is fabulous. So is doing all those neglected chores around your house. It’s amazing the problems you can solve while cleaning your windows and mirrors. This energy wants to be used!
In a related story, just as Jupiter entered fiery Aries, a fiery something slammed into the gas giant. Scientists around the globe cheered as “Jupiter took another one for the team.” Every large object this planet absorbs is one more scary thing that the rest of the solar system doesn’t have to deal with. Another example of the Sky God’s largesse, benevolence, and power. Thank you, Jupiter! And keep that amazing energy coming in. May we use it to solve our deepest problems, for we’ve got far too many of them now.
Needing to be particularly grounded and strong, yesterday,I went to my tree-lined quiet back yard. You have mentioned lying on the grass for 20min. So I added this to the visualization you mentioned in this post. A lot came down and I was up to it. Thank you.
I was really feeling the extra energy and I don’t regularly drink coffee – felt like I had several cups. I was very productive yesterday… thanks for the tips on how to mellow this energy and release some of it back.
What beautiful imagery! I’ll put it to good use. Thanks Dana.
Wonderful article and excellent advice.
Thank you, Dana! This explains a lot! I am glad we can count on you for fantastic writing and insightful explanations.