Every new moon is a doorway behind which lies a unique path, created just for you, for the next 29.5 days. The Taurus new moon doorway aches to draw you into deep relationship with the natural world, and specifically, the rich garden of the Divine Feminine. This is your annual opportunity to revive and replenish the potent feminine ground of your being. To open this door just turn each of the following magical keys.
The first key is listening.
In the days before the new moon, listen to what arises, within and around you. Pay special attention to those things you want to release. What doesn’t belong in your Divine Feminine garden? To prepare your Taurus cycle’s soil, it’s wise to do some weeding first. I recently purchased a weed-pulling tool I wish I’d bought decades ago. The ease with which I could uproot my garden’s uninvited guests was extraordinary! The three days before each new moon can drop a tool just like that into your hands—a special weeding tool for your psyche.
That’s the gift of dark moon energy. It supports you in identifying and pulling to the surface anything you don’t want to keep hosting. But you must get quiet. Center yourself over your plot of Divine Feminine soil. See your favorite flowers and plants beginning to grow there, maybe it’s sunflowers or strawberries. Ask yourself, what doesn’t fit here?
Let the moon’s energy pull to the surface whatever doesn’t belong. Write this down, then tear it up, bury it—or just throw it away. Know that whatever you release before the new moon makes room for something new and more beautiful to grow.
A common weed choking many Divine Feminine gardens is self-doubt. “Am I good enough to…?” “How will I ever…?” “I’d feel better, if I had…”. Notice if this version of yourself arises. It’s just a neglected part of you that needs your love. Without trying to change anything, just love this part of yourself, so that, eventually, whatever mistaken idea it’s gripping so tightly falls away.
So that’s your first new moon key: What do you need to release before this cycle begins?
The second key is connecting to Source.
You’re not alone. Isn’t that a relief?! Within the universal energy that fills and surrounds you, you can open yourself to the Taurus vibration that is already weaving through the collective field. Ask the goddesses of the Divine Feminine to enter you! They can’t resist a single sincere plea. Let their Divine Feminine energy slowly pour into you. You’ll know the goddesses are inside when you feel the presence of an energy that’s loving, sensuous, and grounded. Embodied. Strong. Fertile, productive, and creative. Also, relaxed. Supremely relaxed, like deep earth, several feet down.
Settling yourself into the middle of a literal garden might be just the thing. Doing anything that’s artsy or connected to nature is a fine way to turn the Source key in your new moon door. One of my favorite ways to invite the goddesses of Taurus in is to create a flower mandala. It’s simple, but inspires so much reverence. With tenderness and joy, gather some flowers from your garden or even a store-bought bouquet. Sacred circles are an ancient way to call in Source. With a quiet mind, draw a circle with your flowers, one that looks and feels beautiful to you.
Once your mandala is complete, take four deep and leisurely breaths, exhaling with a softly audible ‘ahh.’ Open your senses. What do you see, hear, smell? How do your feet meet the ground? You may want to move your body – slowly – this is Taurus, after all. Hum, sing, chant. or simply listen to birdsong. Engaging your body and senses amplifies moon magic and can deepen your connections with a multitude of earth and moon goddesses, all eager to collaborate with you this cycle.
Invite them in and see where they take you. If you have a moon journal, write down any messages.
The third key is locating where the new moon is singing in your life.
Turning this key requires knowing a little astrology and being aware of what’s happening in your life. You’ll be looking for the resonance between them. In other words, with this key, you consult both your chart and your life.
First identify the house in your chart that is being newly awakened by this new moon. This will be whatever house contains the 28th degree of Taurus. (Don’t know your chart? You can go here!). Each house describes a particular area of your life. In your Taurus house, the new moon is patiently waiting for you to notice something. Perhaps there’s a gift waiting to be developed. An adventure or challenge beckoning. Maybe the new moon lights up your 11th house of friends, organizations, and new strategies. What’s happening in this area of life? Maybe at first it seems like nothing is going on here. But then, you start to notice a resonance.
Making the connection between the outer new moon degree and the actual texture of your life—that’s the great delight of observing new moons.
I’ll always remember the day I met one my closest soul friends. It was during a Taurus cycle that I was starting a new life from scratch—and the energy of Taurus was clearly my ally! I was insecure but determined (the best and the worst of Taurus rolled into one). At the new moon, I vowed to start networking and meeting people in the new town where I had moved after my divorce. Where I did not know a single soul.
Even though I was filled with self-doubt and vulnerability, I went to my first-ever small business networking group. I literally walked through the door of my 11th house! Every part of me was scared. Immediately, a beautiful and soulful woman with sparkling goddess earrings motioned me to sit next to her. Grateful, I relaxed. As we circled around for introductions, I noted she described her work with mortgages in a mystical way, clear about her leadership role of service. She inspired me! She showed me who I could be without self-doubt. Eventually she became a dear friend.
I hope this Taurus cycle is a meaningful one too–for you and me! No matter where the moon is in your chart, this is an ideal time to renew and replenish the Divine Feminine garden that is waiting there for you. Perhaps there are tools gathered around your garden and you know just what to do. Or maybe you’re clueless. That’s when you can call in the goddesses to help. As I said, they can’t say no to a sincere request.
A psychic, visionary guide and mentor with over 30 years experience, Denise Elizabeth Byron uses astrological patterns to illuminate each client’s unique pathway to more confidently embody the magic of their life purpose. In addition to her private astrological consultations for individuals and couples, Denise offers her New Moon: Create Magic with Your Inner Goddess program to empower women’s soulful connection to their own life force, deep intuition, and connection to the divine feminine. For more information about Denise’s work visit her website www.deniseelizabethbyron.com or email her directly at denise@deniseelizabethbyron.com
Flower Mandala Photo Credit: Full Bloom Farm House used with permission.
Luisa says
What a beautiful and inspirational text. I feel replenished after reading this! Thank you
Carol Lorraine says
Beautiful insights and guidance Denise! ❤️
Denise Elizabeth Byron says
Thank you so much, Carol!! May this New Moon continue to remind you of the goddess energy you are creating with your art (and soul)!
Rachel says
Very insightful and helpful! Thank you❣️
Denise Elizabeth Byron says
Thank you so much, Rachel! So happy the words and ideas were able to support you during this magical time!