Venus retrogrades can trouble our finances, creativity, and/or relationships. On December 19, two days before Venus’ official retrograde station, Target admitted security was breached for credit cards used by nearly 40 million customers between November 27 and December 15—weeks that (not coincidentally) coincided with Venus’ pre-retrograde shadow period. Retrograde problems are often planted during the pre-shadow weeks. But it’s fair to ask, why should things go wrong at these times?
During her retrogrades, Venus is looking for fault lines in the sign or house that she is slowly backing through. Problems indicate which areas need more attention. In Capricorn now, the sign of big business, Venus may have been delivering a message to corporate America—including its most profitable citizens: big banks. Despite record profits for financial institutions, credit cards for US consumers rely on an antiquated technology (the magnetic strip) that is easy to steal, while much of the rest of the world uses a safer microprocessor technology. Perhaps Target’s troubles will inspire a positive change.
Given this is a Christmas retrograde, likely more than a few unfortunate gifts were bought and exchanged. Gifts are Venus territory. The closer the relationship, the more important is the gift selected. It should reflect a real connection; it should say, “I know you.” Was that true of your gifts (given and received) this season? 2014 is going to be a pivotal year for relationships. Fault lines exposed this winter—whether through odd gifts or other conflicts—will be tested again this spring during Mars’ long retrograde in Libra, the sign of relationships. If Venus is talking to you now about your love life, pay attention!
ej says
Hm, yes the returns have been brutal. I tried exchanging some things I bought and it was a nightmare. Since when do you need a store credit card to exchange an item? Well, I lost the receipt for one item yet I was purchasing more than the value of the item I was exchanging. This was Venus territory too: shoes and clothes! It’s unpleasant too that 5 cashiers with no business awaiting them have to send you to a line with 2 dozen people looking for a return/exchange. It almost felt like punishment “if you’re not buying then we can’t see to it that you’re waited on with no hassle.”
Good thing my partner and I didn’t exchange gifts, I was pretty upset that instead of allowing me to buy him a gift that says ‘I know what you like, want, need, etc’, it turned ugly when he offered to pay for half of it. Kind of odd and insulting no? It was as though he could’ve been saying:”you can’t afford what I want so I’m going to pay for half so I don’t feel bad for possibly making you feel bad.”
Oye ve. Happy New year
Dawn says
So helpful Dana . I have Venus in Capricorn and have been
revisiting my failed marriage. My ex and I are talking but he doesn’t
want to ever re marry. And he being a Virgo, is quick to point out, that
I need to work on my chakras and self-worth. I have my work cut out for me.