Ninety-nine-year-old Lillian Weber is on a mission. Each day in her Bettendorf, Iowa farm house she makes one dress for a young girl in Africa. By next May, when she celebrates her 100th birthday, her tally will reach 1,000 handmade dresses. In the past two years she’s finished more than 840 of them, all created from a single pattern but adorned with different decorations, ribbons or ruffles. Her donations are distributed to schools, orphanages and churches by an organization called Little Dresses for Africa.
Sewing is Weber’s sacred service. She admits she’s fueled by her need to stay busy, but also by the love she pours into each dress—knowing how happy it will make the girl who receives it. “When I get to that thousand, if I’m able to, I won’t quit,” she told WQAD-TV.
When I was in Houston a few months back, I saw a chiropractor who’s also on a healing mission. A Christian radio station was broadcasting as I entered Dr. Chapman’s office. “Do you mind if Iet Jesus do the work?” he asked. I acquiesced, even though I don’t put much stock in traditional religion. He laid his hands on my shoulders and absorbed everything he needed to know within a minute. It was the best treatment I’ve ever had. Not only did he release the headache I’d had since my recent stroke, but he also greatly relieved a long-standing shoulder injury that no other treatment had been able to touch.
How did Dr. Chapman get such awesome results? By channeling love in a skillful manner. To heal is to connect and bless by applying one’s intention and skills—whether it involves African children or Houston chiropractic patients. Richard Carlson’s anthology, Healers on Healing, reveals that the most essential factor for achieving results with illness or injury is the presence of unconditional love. The attitude held by both practitioner and patient turns out to be more important than the technique that was used.
During the time when the Sun passes through Virgo, we’re called to heal ourselves and others through simple acts of love and service. This is especially true at Monday’s Virgo New Moon (August 25, 7:12 a.m. PDT). The Sun and Moon join in opposition to mystical Neptune in Pisces, while Mercury in Virgo opposes Chiron (the Wounded Healer) in Pisces. This double dose of the Virgo-Pisces polarity joins sacred service with unconditional love. Also, Mars conjuncts Saturn at this New Moon, adding a note of finality, decisiveness and commitment.
What sacred service are you ready to commit to or expand? How about committing to your own healing by giving your body more love, healthy food and exercise? Or, perhaps you’re feeling drawn to volunteer for a cause you believe in. This New Moon is perfect for beginning a new regimen or committing to whatever will help you and/or others to feel better.
As for me, I’m expanding my sacred service by giving more local talks. If you’re in or near Escondido on Friday evening, Sept. 19, please join me for a fun and enlightening talk on Astro Feng Shui for Love, in which we’ll be tapping into the powerful Libra New Moon and Fall Equinox! (Click here and scroll down to the bottom to see my flier).
If you could use a little focused relaxation during the sometimes-hectic Virgo season, check out this Virgo New Moon ritual from my book, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life. You’ll also find a mini-video at the bottom of that page, showing how I helped one couple make a clean sweep in their kitchen (Health gua) – that led to a whole new life for them!
© 2014 by Simone Butler.
Painting by Claudia Fernety. See more of Claudia’s work at her website.
Simone Butler says
Thanks so much, Mary!
Mary says
Thank you for your healing words Simone.
You have such an enlightening interpretation of astrology.
Stay well.
Simone Butler says
Thank you Iris, I am much better now. 🙂
iris says
I am sorry to hear about your recent stroke. I will be praying for you.