Take advantage of this month’s fresh-start energy! Which activities will be most energizing for your psyche? Your chart holds clues. The house where 20.41 degrees of Aries falls represents where you can most reliably turn this month to supercharge your own renewal and rebirth.
If Aries is in your 1st house, for example, you may experience renewal through re-connecting with your instinctive personality. Do it your way! Support that expression with a commitment to those practices that ensure your vitality. In the 2nd you may want to initiate a new financial plan, or touch base with your core talents and values. In the 3rd , Aries may feel re-energized through putting your thoughts into writing or speech. In the 4th , Aries is reborn through spring cleaning, redecorating, or even moving. Aries receives inspiration in the 5th house through creative expression, or through rediscovery of one’s inner child. In the 6th house, Aries gets a fresh start by taking up a new health regimen, or reorganizing the office. In the 7th, relationships are the medium of rebirth, as Aries faces “the other,” while in the 8th house Aries mines new energy from the depths of the unconscious—or the seat of one’s lust. In the 9th house, Aries is reinvigorated by a book of spiritual teachings, or a philosophical truth that puts life into perspective. In the 10th house, Aries leaps headfirst into tackling new career objectives. In the 11th house, it is through commitment to a social cause that promises renewal. And, finally, in the 12th house, Aries is reborn through dissolution into universal consciousness, diving deep into the ocean of bliss, then emerging reborn.
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