You’re ahead of your time. The future speaks through your Moon tribe. You’re visionary, revolutionary, and deeply thoughtful—which means you’re frequently frustrated with the way things are. That’s the problem with being ahead of your time. You have to somehow come to terms with the turgid pace at which reality actually changes. You may often find yourself planting seeds for a future that’s still years away from blooming.
Eventually the world will catch up with you. Albert Einstein was born in the Last Quarter phase. So was Gandhi, Anais Nin, Isadora Duncan, Karl Jung, Mick Jagger, Walt Disney, Eleanor Roosevelt, Yoko Ono. Each was iconoclastic in their own way; each is still shaping the culture. What gives your Moon tribe its audacity—its ability to remain radically true to self in a status quo world?
Some say you’re just born tough. Hard-headed. I think this is true. But most of the Last Quarters I’ve known also need plenty of alone time for introspection, meditation, and afternoon naps. Time away from the world gives you the space to reconnect with your ideals, to think, evaluate, conjure, and dream, in other words, to allow the future to pour through you.
Living a life that’s not in alignment with your beliefs will feel miserable. After some years of such a life—those in your tribe tend to make sudden course shifts, surprising their friends, who had no idea that this was years in the making. Yet during the times when life doesn’t match your vision, you can always use the days of the Last Quarter Moon to revive yourself. The quality of this period is like an energetic nectar whose formula—encoded by the Sun and Moon in your birth chart—is specifically designed to renew your spirit. You can absorb a little of its blessings through the atmosphere, but you can increase your nourishment if you pay attention.
Spend time with this Moon. Learn when and where it appears. Pick a quiet moment each month to sit and breathe with it. Let your breath slow, lengthen, and deepen, as your energetic field gently grows bigger and more diffuse. This is how your receptivity unfurls and your spirit begins to drink in the Last Quarter. The less you think about it, the more this rejuvenating nectar soaks in.
The play of light and dark on the face of the Moon is a “secret” teaching—meaning, most people don’t bother to notice or ponder it. But the next time you sit with your birth phase, observe how much of the Moon is lit and how much is dark. The light symbolizes awareness—conscious intelligence (or the “masculine” mind). The dark symbolizes instinct and unconsciousness (or the intuitive “feminine” mind).
Now that you know which is who, you can see how the play of reflected sunlight on your birth Moon may also hint at the ideal flow between your own conscious and subconscious minds. It’s a picture of the sacred contract between your left and right brains. Light and dark are in equal measure when the Last Quarter begins. What does this say about you? Your strength lies in a balanced experience of both minds. Intuition and instinct are as important for your success as conscious introspection. Particularly in those periods of inner “divine discontent,” you need the whole brain.
As the three to four days of the Last Quarter unfolds, you’ll note that the dark grows across the face of the Moon as the light decreases. This is a picture of your path too. It’s about planting the seed and letting it go to do its work underground. You have the vision. The rest is up to the multi-verse. Trusting the dark allows you to hold onto your faith.
The monthly dates for your birth Moon phase each are available in my Moon Workshop and Moonprints report—where you can also learn about your “progressed” Moon phase. Many astrologers believe your progressed phase is one of the most important factors for assessing your current potentials. I agree!
Copyright 2021 Dana Gerhardt
This is very interesting this is my moon phase…
This is very interesting, I love learning about astrology especially the moon
thanks for writing this information…..have a wonderful day
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