When you connect the dots, it’s easy to see the fraternal spirit of Gemini in its stars. Here are the twins, Castor and Pollux, holding hands, and engaged in lively conversation for all eternity. Yet this month you can’t lie back and watch this pair stroll across the night sky. The Sun is in Gemini. That means this constellation is currently veiled by our closest star’s bright curtain.
But not their spirit. Esoterically, the Sun feeds us Gemini now. The Gemini house in your chart is being energized. More Gemini floats through the culture. And that’s saying a lot this year. The latest polls suggest that most of us are Gemini (news and information) weary, especially when Jupiter in Scorpio–sign of death, sex, espionage, and taxes–keeps writing difficult headlines about corruption, spies and suicides, all of which appear to be on the rise.
Perhaps less talk would be more centering at this New Moon. Where are you in the midst of all this noise? You can use the outlines of Gemini’s constellation as a simple Rorschach test. What do you see when you look at the picture of Gemini’s constellation?
Do the star figures look convivial, moving forward at a jaunty pace? Or does one seem to pull away from the other? How does what you see reflect what’s going on in your life? Where are you now? What do you need?
During noisy times like these, oddly, one of the first things to disappear is the inner conversation between head and heart. There are many ways to repair this, but a fine one for this particular New Moon is The Journal, a very Gemini instrument of magic. Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, was the first Magician and is remembered on the Tarot’s Magician card. Mercury gave us journals to help us re-connect our own dots during babbling times.
How is your journal doing? Has it been sitting on a shelf? Has it lately heard the sounds of pen on paper? Or is your journal typed? Gemini is THE cycle for using words in a magical way. And one of the best techniques–without risking the mischief that thinking out loud can cause–is to talk silently to your self. You’re Castor and Pollux. Discover what you didn’t know your inner twin was thinking.
Anne Frank is one of the world’s most famous journal keepers and not surprisingly, she had Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in Gemini. If you like to journal as a way of deep thinking, you’ll enjoy my magical monthly Moon workshop, which not only brings you closer to the Sun and Moon, it brings you closer to you! Enroll here.
Ellen McPherson says
Journal is a wonderful tool, thank you for the reminder.