Gentle Yin Dragonfly (upright or reclined)
New Moons provide a worthwhile moment to rest, listen, and vision for the cycle ahead. Aquarius is the season for dancing wherever the wind (or inspiration) wants to send you. Aquarius is the sign of the Water Bearer. A fine posture for this New Moon is one that allows us to perceive the fluids and emotions that are flowing within. We first take our seat—we make ourselves into a steady vessel to contain and draw nourishment from the real and subtle waters within. As Aquarius rules the lower legs, we’ll give special attention to this part of the body.
Sitting upright, take your feet wide with your knees bent. See if you can make a shape like a wide, seated squat except more relaxed, what I’m calling “gentle dragonfly.”
Take your hands or forearms to your shins or knees, or even wrap your arms under your legs to hold yourself. Then, gently fold forward. Allow your body to release with gravity and ease into a peaceful breath for anywhere from a minute to 5 minutes.
Keep it simple and imagine your body as the vessel (the water pitcher) for the all of your energy. Sense the ease with which the physical and etheric waters are flowing though you.
Evolving your gentle dragonfly shape, you might want to lay down with your feet to the wall and knees bent. Essentially, you are taking a similar shape as gentle dragonfly but instead finding an ease-ful experience to REST.
Give yourself some time to explore both activation and rest in the legs by pressing your feet into the wall (noticing your lower legs and ankles) and then backing off again. Do this for perhaps a minute and see if you can sense the yin vs. yang qualities and how you are currently feeling.
Wait until you’re fully ready to emerge from this shape, relaxed, gently inspired, renewed.
Paula says
Miss Jenn! You just keep getting better. Outstanding!
Namaste Goddess
Wilcox says
Just what I needed. Thank you!
Harbor Sailor says
Wonderful! Thank you!
Jenn says
I am glad you find it helpful! I hope we can all slowly integrate into this new cycle and the rest of Winter. xo Jenn