It is fashionable to be enraptured with Nature these days. I feel guilty for not spending enough time being delighted by the miracles of snow on the surrounding mountains, wild geese traveling in pairs overhead, the birds eating midwinter apples on the ground. But the Aquarius New Moon—and Jupiter’s exuberant leap into Aquarius, where he’ll reign for all of 2009—have inspired me towards something much less fashionable. Aquarius rules technology and I am moved now to sing its praises. I give thanks to all those quiet angels who uncomplainingly charge my world with magic. In the time a bird drinks from my fountain, invisible hands bring a movie to my iPod, download six new books to my Kindle. I can hold them all in my palm! Daily my robot vacuum cleans my floors. And the minute I wonder about anything, Google has the answer. I haven’t watched a commercial or worried about when a TV show airs in years. My DVR faithfully records what I want and lets me watch it when I want. Even when Mercury retrograde sent my fifteen-year-old television set to the dump this month, just one day later the internet brought me a new one—at the lowest price available! I couldn’t have imagined living my life this way twelve years ago, when Jupiter was last in Aquarius. It’s difficult remembering when the computer wasn’t a part of everything I do, though it wasn’t till 1997 that the internet really bloomed.
Of course there’s more to Aquarius than technology. This sign is wild, unconventional and unpredictable, also progressive and humanitarian. Too it’s the rising sign of our new Blackberry-loving president. May Jupiter bless him and you and me this year!
There is some great stuff on this site. I am so glad that I found it. I will definately be back for more insight.
What is that feeling like? I could do it more if I wanted to. Tell me a little about your life in pairs overhead the birds eating midwinter apples on the ground.
A new moon in Aquarius inspires me to forward thinking. Much of what was once science fiction exists in working form today. What newfound wonders will the human imagination dream up next? Will we reach farther into the frontiers of space? Concoct new cures and remedies for illnesses? Think up a way to mend our economy and our relations with the rest of the global community? Discover a unified theory of everything?
I am thankful for the energies of this new moon. A fresh beginning in the areas of humanism, science, and thinking outside the box are just what we need in 2009 if we are to truly progress. Welcome to Aquarius! Welcome to President Obama! Welcome to the Year of the Ox!
:: Marion ::
I see things have changed in this site, I didn’t realize it had been that long since I logged on.
Thank you for the insight on this coming new moon. I have never felt more hopeful than I feel right now. Most people I speak with feel the same way. Once again thank you for you compelling insight.
Hi dana,
I counted back to when I first got a
computer-(after reading your message)—-guess what!? it was January 1997
And just this week (12 years latter) my son
the Aquarius “hooked” me up to a “fast”
internet —no more poky dial-up.
How great is that?
Fascinating stuff (this Astrology).
I also went to a level lll Qigong workshop
last week-end–received instruction in extensive
meditation methods—-came home with
a MOON & A SUN (CD) meditation (each an hour
long.So far I’ve done one or the other every day
As i was in the middle of a meditation the other day —the thought passed through me–
That this is the healthest possible thing
I could doing for my self (and
those around me.) I BELIEVE IT!!!
I listened to your Birthday tape night before last (your reading
for me) from the end of August –(2008)
And was amazied to see how I have grown
just since that time.
God Bless you Dear Dana!
I’m so excited! I’ve been waiting for you to have a blog or a book or something!
Now I’ll go read the posts…