Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday and my bank denied the personalized image I requested for my credit card (it seems I don’t own the copyright to Botticelli’s Birth of Venus…but oh, in my heart, I do!). I also got a parking ticket and my iPod stopped working. Part of me loves Mercury retrogade. It’s the sleep time of the mental cycle when the busy analytical mind hands the reins to the intuitive brain, “You be in charge for awhile.” It’s great for dipping into a rich mental mousse, but bad if you’re adding columns of numbers, making fine watches, or simply trying to get to the bus on time. I forget about the retrograde annoyances, even though the pre-retrograde usually offers plenty chances to get used them. In recent years it’s seemed the shadow two weeks before the retrograde can be more fraught with miscommunications and errors than the retrograde itself! If you’re unawares of the shift, you might find as I did, a sour and resentful mood taking shape. But then came the retrograde and I got lucky. Mercury woke me up, kicked a little sand in my face, and just dared me to argue with the world. Staring at my dead iPod, I recalled that these are high holy days of Trickster wisdom. This god’s keys to enlightenment? Laugh at yourself and move lightly on!
Mercury is retrograde from May 6 to May 30. The pre-shadow began on April 22; the post-shadow ends on June 14.
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